From the podcast:
"To begin with, we have Dr. Oddfellow's Twisted Origins. That name may sound familiar to some of our friends. That name is referenced in Jack's history. Jack killed Dr. Oddfellow, taking his cane of souls, wearing his jacket. He comes back right. We know this story. But who was Dr. Oddfellow. Well, in this house, it puts us in the 1930s, dust bowl of America and we're walking up to a circus. But it's after hours. It's not the main show. He has invited us for this more twisted version of, you know, they used to do these freak shows back in the day and that type of thing he's trying to draw in this type of audience. Like "Yeah, no. come back for the after hours. The night time show". But you don't go through the main entrance. In fact, you kind of walk around and enter the side of the tent under the bleachers. And that's when we realize this is a little bit more going on then just your typical circus acts. So, first of all greeted by a couple of not so pleasant clowns. Then, Dr. Oddfellow says "we have these things for you to witness and experience". And as we go through, we realize the acts that are set up are just murdering people. It's not like people are actually skilled. These aren't great aerialists or great clowns or great illusionists. They're just killing people. But there's even one more thing happening. See, Dr. Oddfellow set this all up to take our souls because he's turning himself immortal. He's using the Cane of Souls to steal our souls as he twists us and breaks us using the power connected to the zodiac. So this is where it all begins for him. There's also a certain clown in this house known by the name of Jack, long long ago, who is seeking a lot of attention and even though we don't experience much of this, we do see at one point a silhouette of Jack pops up and we kind of see him behind a curtain and then we actually witness Dr. Oddfellow kill Jack in the house in a little silhouette. That is actually the moment Jack cut open Dr. Oddfellow's face. Blood from his face dripped onto Jack while he was dying. So this immortal blood from Dr. Oddfellow bled into Jack as he died and they both became immortal in the same night. Thus, becoming these rivals for the ages. And that's the night Jack is put into the box. So he kills him, stuffs him in the box, and we see that Dr. Oddfellow has become immortal by the end, and kills us, and we're sent into this other plane of existence.