Fall Guy Stunt Show for USH? | Inside Universal Forums

Fall Guy Stunt Show for USH?

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Jan 10, 2013
No man's land: SoCal
Posting a new thread as there have been rumblings of a full-time Fall Guy stunt show coming to the park from the F&F thread. With the preshow promo going on at Water World, not to mention the IP itself just screaming to be an attraction at USH, I think there is something to this rumor.

It sounds like the Bourne Stuntacular clone is probably dead. Sounds like they found a new IP to theme the new show after.

So what do you think? If this is coming to the park, do you think this will replace Water World or will this replace something else? They need more live entertainment so I hope it’s not replacing Water World. I personally think Simpsons would be a ripe attraction to be replaced for this.
I would say it depends on how it performs. Weekend box office so far looks a little soft considering the cost. Hopefully it has some legs.
Posting a new thread as there have been rumblings of a full-time Fall Guy stunt show coming to the park from the F&F thread. With the preshow promo going on at Water World, not to mention the IP itself just screaming to be an attraction at USH, I think there is something to this rumor.

It sounds like the Bourne Stuntacular clone is probably dead. Sounds like they found a new IP to theme the new show after.

So what do you think? If this is coming to the park, do you think this will replace Water World or will this replace something else? They need more live entertainment so I hope it’s not replacing Water World. I personally think Simpsons would be a ripe attraction to be replaced for this.
Huge improvement over a Bourne Stuntacular clone. The Fall Guy is such a fun movie so if it happens I'll be very excited for it.
I still think Bourne is coming
chelsea peretti ew GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I still think Bourne is coming
I can feel the A/C already. Although bringing back T2:3D would be "Super"!

I honestly don't want another show on the Upper Lot. I'd love for a show on the Lower Lot so it'd spread out the masses once Hollywood Drift opens.

Also with Waterworld being an outdoor venue, it'd be nice to get an indoor venue again (if possible)
I actually think they could turnaround something like Lights Camera Action! from Singapore for 2025 if they used one of the LL soundstages. We had Backdraft for 18 years so these kind of special effects shows can work.

I wouldn't mind Bourne at all. Not seen the Fall Guy yet but a good stunt show doesn't always have to be from a good movie.
Should I remind you of the dumpster fire over-budget failure that was Waterworld?
Waterworld did not bomb, made back its money and — eventually — made a modest profit. A disappointment? Definitely. Over budget? You betcha. Production nightmare? Oh for sure. But the movie didn't "tank" and isn't the poster child for a theatrical disaster that many make it out to be.

But it's also a totally different situation. The Waterworld show was in development before the movie was released. This was at a time when studios committed more aggressively to unreleased tentpoles (Jurassic Park is another example of this). That's not the way the industry tends to work these days. They're looking for proven commodities -- Fall Guy made $28 million domestically in its opening weekend.

Is it possible this promotional pre-show is such a mega hit that Universal looks into developing it for further park use? I guess! Is it possible that Fall Guy ends up becoming a cult hit and a decade down the line Universal looks to develop it for park use? Sure! It's happened before (Hello, Tron!)

But for now I think it's nice to appreciate this pre-show for what it is. A smart piece of promotion for a movie that hasn't found an audience (yet!) despite generally positive reviews.
I'm not against it....I would just be surprised

The film did not do well. But yeah WW is based on a film no one cares about so could work but....think they could do a Bourne show for "cheaper" and quicker and know what to except number wise
Movies are in this weird place right now. The top movie for 2024 is Dune with 700m worldwide; and then we have Ghostbusters at close to $200m sitting at 4th.

It's kinda hard to use that as a metric in a post-COVID world.
SW Episode 1 Re released last weekend beating Rudy Gillan Kraken and Lisa Franksetein opening and a few others from the past year

So yeah....its insane to know what will work or not

You can watch SW at home or Spiderman and people came out for those...but not the new Pixar Films even Turn Red made barley nothing.....so yeah not sure what the audience wants at this point