I guess this is a good place ask this just for fun: If you want to introduce someone to the MCU now, how do you guys do it? My mom had seen Homecoming, Ant-Man, and GotG before and liked them and ive wanted to show her the broader Universe, but never really knew how with there being so many films. I did decide upon a general order though:
The Avengers
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Thor: Ragnorok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
This cuts a lengthy slate of 23 films down to 10 and bits and pieces can be explained. For Example, dropping her straight into Avengers meant I needed to explain the events leading up to it, but I knew there was a chance of never getting to Avengers if we watched the first 4. Some movies can probably still be skipped or swapped out (Winter Soldier isn't necessary to understand the events of Ultron, but it pays off when watching Civil War and it's just a damn great movie. Like I said, my mom had seen Ant-Man and Spider-Man: Homecoming, so i'm not including it (plus, I think both are more "fun" movies in the MCU, you could theoretically skip both and not miss much)
If you really wanted to simplify and explain the events that are being missed though, you could probably do a 5-film watch of The Avengers, Age of Ultron, Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame. If they were into it, you could then go back and watch the other movies.