Girl, 14, injured after e-cigarette explodes on Universal's Hogwarts Express | Inside Universal Forums

Girl, 14, injured after e-cigarette explodes on Universal's Hogwarts Express

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lmao e-cigs exploding, that's been an event since they were created, no? Like that happens quite frequently.

In no way does this have to do with Hogwarts Express other than it happening on Hogwarts Express. It probs would've exploded anyways.
My uncle had an ECig explode on him in our house. It didn't seriously injure anyone thankfully, however, there's still a black streak from it above our backdoor. They can and do have a tendency to overheat and subsequently explode.
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Sorry to sound selfish, but I wonder if it did any damage to the compartment...
I heard it burned a hole in the seat. Seems weird the ride was closed for the whole day because of this though ... its not like it was a mechanical failure. Glad it didn't happen on my shift. I'd have wondered what the big flash was on the monitor :)
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