Looking for an old Universal promo | Inside Universal Forums

Looking for an old Universal promo

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Apr 4, 2020
Hello there! I know this is going to sound incredibly niche, but I could use some help in finding a Universal promo video I remember very fondly.

I want to say it would air around 2008-2010? It was a very quick video (about 1 minute IIRC), and was pretty much just a flash cut compilation of ride clips with epic music playing, with one video for Studios and one for IoA. The Studios one featured Jimmy Neutron, Shrek, Terminator, Jaws and Disaster I believe?

I've looked absolutely everywhere and for the life of me, cannot find either video at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If it helps at all, something I remember vividly is both videos ended with the ending bit of IoA's theme (start at 2:37):