MK "No Fly Zone" Gone? | Inside Universal Forums

MK "No Fly Zone" Gone?

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Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2012
Just wondering if anyone knows, has the FAA "no fly zone" over the Magic Kingdom gone away? I remember reading somewhere that there were efforts by some groups to get it removed recently and in the past couple of weeks there have been several low flying aircraft over the park including several small private jets. I know while it has been off limits, occasionally aircraft go over anyway just because there is no real enforcement.

In two + years of working at WDW, I've never seen this many planes fly over the park so low and I wonder if it is just the ban is gone or if it's something else.
I'm tempted to say that you're right and that this restriction (which I have also heard about) is not enforced quite as severely anymore (if it ever really was).


This is a picture I took over summer. Just came from a regular, run-of-the-mill commercial plane headed westbound. Now, you can tell that we're obviously pretty high up and not DIRECTLY over the park, but still closer than I thought you could get with this alleged "No Fly Zone" in place.

edit: nevermind, forgot it was really complicated to post pictures. I'll try again.
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