Super Nintendo World - Reviews, Photos, & Video (Spoilers) | Inside Universal Forums

Super Nintendo World - Reviews, Photos, & Video (Spoilers)

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Feb 15, 2012
Remember: This thread is for photo updates, videos, and reviews of Super Nintendo World. Please keep all chit-chat and asides to the General Discussion thread; replies to reviews are welcome but if the discussion expands and continues on then please move it to the General Discussion thread.

NOTE: This thread will contain spoilers for all aspects of the land, attraction, and more; including (but not limited to) the queue, storyline, special effects, secrets, and more. Do not read further if you do not wish to be spoiled. Consider this the last warning.
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So as I said in the primary thread, today was the one day I didn't have my car; I ended up dropping everything I was doing as a result and Ubered over there!

Let me just say this first - what a perfect day for this to happen. The weather was absolutely amazing. The crowds were small, to the point I walked right onto Jurassic World and The Mummy after SNW before heading home. The only annoyance I had all day was the wait to get into the park - pretty sure the line just to scan my AP was longer than I waited to ride Mario Kart, and I wish they'd have an AP only entrance because having to wait behind groups who wait 'til the last second to pull their tickets out only to get confused about what to do or ask a million questions of the scanner is getting old.

That said, walking into the land for the first time was surreal. I'll admit, I'm not the biggest Nintendo fan, and yet that doesn't really matter when you're seeing it all in person. I love the pure kinetic energy everywhere, and even if I didn't get the band or interact with the "games," that idea - that energy - was palpable even down to the guests themselves. Watching them having fun playing the games, from little kids to grown adults, was great; you could just feel the excitement people were having, and there's little doubt that this is going to go over incredibly well this year with people. (I cannot wait to see this place at nighttime.)

I didn't eat anything, so I can't give any thoughts on the food, but I made a comment in the other thread a few days ago about how Toad's would be an awesome place to just sit with others and enjoy the details, and I think seeing it in person solidified that idea. Again, I didn't sit - I was by myself, so I wanted to keep moving - but I did take a look around, and the theming was great. And like the joy radiating off the people around the land, it seemed like guests eating the food were going through the same sorts of more-than-pleased sensations!

If there are any downsides, it's these: Yes, the grid pattern does look bad in person. I know there was a lot of back-and-forth about the grid and the tarps in the other thread, and the latter is such a non-issue. But the grids absolutely stick out in pictures - I took one of Peach's castle and the grid... doesn't look flattering. I know, I know, certain people will say, "If you're looking at the grids, you're being nitpicky," but, in my opinion, I wish they hadn't done it just for photography's sake. I also think the exposed steel you can see going up the lift hill on JW is shocking, but, again, I can understand why others may not care; just from an aesthetic standpoint, it's not appealing, but whatever. Maybe one day it'll be covered up, perhaps as part of the DK expansion.

Anyway, as for Mario Kart... Wow! Since the line was so crazy short, I didn't get to soak in a ton of details like one would standing in all of the rooms, but I was able to stop and snap pictures and appreciate what I could. This queue is really neat (and cute) and I love that it's so diverse room to room - the constant change of scenery will definitely help when the waits climb to filling all that space. The pre-show room with the instructions felt a little awkward in length, probably just as operations figures it out, as I think I spent more time standing in that room alone than the ride itself, but it's just a minor note.

And the ride itself? So cool! The AR headset was surprisingly comfortable, and I LOVED how accurate the tracking was. Hopefully that's not something that degrades over time, but it felt so nice hitting Bowser's team so effortlessly with shells. Like the land, it's such a kinetic experience, almost overwhelmingly so for your first time, but it's definitely one that'll get better on subsequent rides as the initial "shock," for lack of a better word, has worn off and you get used to what you're doing. (And one day, I'll probably ride without the AR just to enjoy the sets and props, because they're amazing!) I think the speed factor was a big concern for people, and I will admit you don't "feel" like you're going fast, which may disappoint people, but there's just so much else going on that your focus is drawn to "playing" than worrying about speed.

The guy next to me told me after the ride was over and we were waiting to disembark that he was disappointed because he thought we were racing other cars, and I wonder if that sentiment will bleed over to the masses, but he admitted he still had a lot of fun, as did I. And other than a single pause during the ride where the kart stopped for maybe 30-40 seconds, there wasn't a single hiccup or operational flaw that I noticed, which makes it even more impressive that this soft has gone so smoothly (at least while I was there).

All this is to say that I had a blast -- even though I personally didn't engage with the games or come into the land doing cartwheels as an excited Nintendo fan, the fact the land and ride work so well for someone like me anyway is a testament to what Universal has accomplished. I absolutely can't wait for the Donkey Kong expansion (DK was actually what I used to play a lot as a kid on GameBoy more than Mario growing up, so I have more of an affinity for the big ape than the plumber) and I'm so excited to not only go with my friends over the next weeks, months, and years just to see their reactions to the land, but for all of you who have been itching to see it for yourselves!
A few scattered thoughts after spending 4 hours in the land...
  • The land is 100% absolutely not finished. I think they were told they had to open today for some major executives from other areas of the company, including Comcast and Universal Pictures. From my understanding, it was a last-minute scramble, and it shows. Opening weeks of Volcano Bay vibes - obviously unfinished elements, some stuff already chipping, smell of drying paint, a few scattered visible utilities and bits of painter's tape. One of the biggest examples: Peach's gazebo is now assembled, but it hasn't been finished or cleared yet, so Peach is currently meeting directly in front of it, not under it.
  • Buying a Power Band was easy, and setting it up even easier. You can do it from the nifty vending machines in the center of the land or the 1-up store. These things are already printing money - huge queues to buy them. That said, they do not snap on easily. Mine kept becoming loose and occasionally fell off while playing the more intense games.
  • As for the games: They are fun, like turbocharged versions of the interactives from If I Ran the Zoo. I don't see them being repeatable, and I do wish we had a few more. Four feels like too few - perhaps something should've been tucked away upstairs, which as of now only has a handful of interactives and the AR binoculars (which are nifty).
  • The Bowser Jr. boss battle was a real treat, though people in the center inevitably get a better view of the finale animation.
  • They are for some reason playing the Japanese media in the preshows for Bowser Jr. and Mario Kart. There are no spoken English instructions, though there are subtitles in English and Japanese. Bowser's and Toad's Japanese names (Koopa and Kinopio, respectively) are thus used. A bit confusing.
  • We now know why there's so much queue in Mt. Beanpole: There is far less queue in Bowser's Castle than previously anticipated. In my book, this is a win - we have the superior queue. We lose none of the details but gain in environment variety, but because the castle rooms aren't laughably gargantuan, they feel more like lived-in spaces.
  • Yoshi rooms have screens that were not animating yet, but presumably Yoshis will wander by eventually.
  • Toadstool Cafe is a big winner. We sampled the Luigi Burger (excellent and zesty), the garlic knots (fantastic), the fire flower spaghetti (nothing crazy but a nice alternate to the sandwiches and salads), and the tiramisu (delicious, flavorful, and the perfect serving size). Presentation of the food items was great, and the staff was attentive. The media playing in the dining room is full of cute little surprises and "events." This is also the spot to hear beautiful orchestrations from Super Mario Galaxy.
  • The bathrooms are legit cute with the underwater theming, music, and soundscape.
  • Mario Kart is a blast and a great interactive dark ride once you understand how to play. The problem is you almost certainly are not going to get the hang of it on your first try - in fact, you probably aren't going to get our visor on correctly. For the visor to fill your field of vision and for its imagery to remain stable, your cap needs to be pulled WAY DOWN against your face -- too many people were just plopping it on their head, and I could see people struggling to tighten and adjust it during the ride. Once everything's on, the gameplay is thrilling, and the AR is at times extremely convincing. There are moments where I thought I was looking at a physical animatronic and was shocked to see it was all digital imagery.
  • The app and sticker book is nifty and will make repeat visits very enjoyable.
  • The meet and greets are awesome, but be patient with them. The performers for Mario and Luigi are clearly struggling with visibility issues, and it'll take some time before they can move more confidently. Their ability to talk, look around, and blink was cute and impressive.
  • Tarps were themed and look good, so glad we spent pages yelling at each other about that.
  • The grid-like backdrops do NOT look good, and I am shocked they were approved. You don't notice them when you're just walking around the land, but when your eyes focus on an animated element or you take a picture, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Not sure what the immediate solution here is, but it doesn't look great.
  • Sight lines on the ground floor are largely excellent - I noticed very few visual intrusions, which is quite the achivement. However, I was puzzled by how some of the physical animated elements were positioned, as I could easily see many of their mechanics without looking for them. Some of them appear to be positioned far too high, so the scenic elements meant to disguise the exposed metal were not able to do their intended jobs. Not sure how fixable some of this is, but it's noticeable, especially for some of the Koopas and 1-up mushrooms.
Overall, this is going to print money and be a huge success for the park. Get started on Donkey Kong Country yesterday.
I was in the land for 3ish hours today and here are my thoughts.

The quality of the land is excellent, I have no issues with just how everything looks and feels in the land. However the land is toooooooooooo small for the kinda hype behind it and feels like "old" universal compared to the Universal who gave us an amazing HHN last year, is making this great looking mini land in Texas and the HHN mazes/bar in Vegas. I've said it before but they just messed up when they decided to make the land small instead of just knocking out more space for this land and more theme park later on and just building more sound stages elsewhere.

Next lets talk about the Bands they are cool but over priced at ten bucks more then in Japan but with less to use them on its a real head scratcher, we are paying more for less? I also think having less games will result in longer lines for the other games and if one goes down then whelp great now the lines will just grow because you have to beat 3 for the Raid. The raid is fun but also hope they its updated within two years. Also at least for me and others that I saw the bands can easily fly off during the crank game and even the raid because your moving your hands so much, so might not want to wear the band during those games because my band has just a little damage already from that.

The restaurant is very cute but man is it small and the line moves at a snails pace, not sure if its because people are confused about what the food items are but took a long time for most people in front of me to order when it took me 5 seconds. I had the Chicken Salad and its pretty good (over priced) but good and I'd suggest if they let you get the dressing on the side because they smother out any of the health of eating a salad, lol. The toad screen are cool and the Cast members that bring you your food are some of the friendliest in the park, it almost makes you want to tip them.

Did not do meet and greets but saw the characters they looked cool and I guess they talk so...that will be interesting when I finally meet them.

Mario Kart the ride and Q are amazing. The Yoshi section is sooooo cute it made me want to cry. The Bowser parts are very cool and the details, lore and Easter eggs are so cool. But the AR googles slow down loading so I hope one day you can just opt out of them because the guy next to me was having issues for mins and I finally helped him with it, the CM's were trying but he was not getting it and he was my age 30...i can't imagine how many older people or young kids are going to have no idea what to do and its going to slow down the capacity of this ride greatly unless they ride a better way to do the googles.

Now onto the ride it self the rooms are amazing, I think the Luigi Mansion part is my favorite. But once again the AR googles and game elements kinda distract you from all the cool details and everything going on which is alot. It also must not be easy to win because we lost but the car next to us was empty so maybe the ride did not account for that and thats why we lost. The AR tech is very cool but at times like I said gets in the way of the cool details of the ride and since besides stamps which do from what I can nothing, the game part of it I could leave or take its fine but until I can win Avatar's for my profile I kinda rather just sit back and enjoy the cool physical sets and ride it as a dark ride. I still very much enjoy the ride the it's just has some things I hope they can smooth out to make it load quicker

Overall the land is amazing but just wayyyyy toooooo small for this IP, and hope they find creative ways to add more games so the bands feel more worth it. The upper area where you can view the AR telescopes feels like it should have housed a game as well so maybe thats the next place they add a game.

So once again the land is super fun, colorful, has so much life to it and just cute as hell but the size is going to be a big negative I think in not just the near future but its entire life as a land. People want to come in here but during spring break, summer, holidays, Halloween, and Christmas time its going to be not fun for the people who miss it because of its limits. I hope I'm wrong but with how the park seems to be evolving and more people do local vacations vs flying, I doubt this park will have much of an off season after this land opens and just wish they could have planned better from the start and given this land just more room.

Anyway I feel like most people are are going to love it and it prints money so hope the parks use that money to keep investing in the park and get us back more events year round and grinchmas gets a bigger budget next year from all this new money.
I've already posted my main takeaways in the main SNW thread, but the land is very well done! It does have some flaws which I addressed in the other thread, but yeah, this land is going to make loads of money! But now here are my takeaways for Mario Kart:

Like I said in the other thread, I really liked how they trimmed the far from Japan's queue and designed it to feel more lean and natural. It feels like Bowser's Castle and not a bunch of giant empty rooms with some actual detailed rooms in-between. The Yoshi's Island rooms are the true overflow queue for this ride, which is nice. It gives more variety to the queue. Also noticed the screen media had some very interesting 3D visuals on it. Surprised no one else is talking about this! I thought that was pretty cool.

The preshow setup was....interesting. No dialogue whatsoever. Even better some of it was still in Japanese with the Japan names still being used! I wonder if they'll get around to resolving this. Although I dislike preshows, I feel like it's kinda necessary to be able to know how to put the visors on. I was able to pick up on it pretty quick, but I feel like a lot of other people are gonna have a hard time. I didn't notice anyone in particular struggling with it or holding up the ride to put it on though. Maybe I lucked out. But I hope they can have a new system to where they can have TMs pass out instruction cards on how to put on the AR or offer themselves assistance on how to wear it. Having to sit through a preshow is gonna get old every time I ride.

Overall, the ride was very fun! This is probably my favorite shooter ride in SoCal. Being nitpicky here, but I felt the AR was a little blurry and there were some location issues (i.e. a character sitting where you shouldn't see them due to a wall obstructing the view of where they would be, things like that). Other than that, I felt like the AR was handled extremely well for a first attempt at a major ride. The accuracy was smooth as butter and made all of the action surrounding you feel chaotic enough to where you didn't really care about the illusion of speed that much. Also, the way they had the "steering" for the ride work was genius! You were incentivized to turn your wheel when you saw an arrow to get coins and it really sold the illusion that you were in control of where the car was going. There is no passivity on this ride whatsoever and it keeps you busy with the turtle shell shooting and steering. It was quite a lot for me to take in at first but after two rides, I was able to absorb everything a lot better and enjoy it for what it was.

I guess the only real nitpicks I have on the ride are the extremely minor issues I have the AR and maybe the first room could use projections on the Castle pillars in the first scene to encompass your peripheral vision to sell the illusion of you going really fast. Also, I do wish the spinning was just a hair more intense to add a little thrill and it would be nice to see additional wind effects in some places to sell the illusion of speed. Other than that, Mario Kart was great! It's a ride that families are gonna have a blast with! I'm glad we finally have our remedy to MIB over here. While it's not exactly a blow-your-socks off spectacle like Rise of the Resistance, it was simply really fun! And that's all that matters!

Also, is no one gonna talk about how this is the first Universal ride in a looooong time that doesn't spray water on you?
Sooooo wow. This land blew me away. I was literally smiling the entire time, I don't think a theme park land has ever done that for me. The entire land felt like a classic Disney dark ride, where every time you go you'll notice something new
Some quick thoughts:
  • I do not get the disappointment with the ride. I honestly loved every second of it, and I can only assume it's largely a expectation vs. reality thing
  • Tarps didn't really matter as much as I thought they would, I'll take the L on that
  • Lines in the hills need to be fixed. It's mostly jarring around Peach's Castle
  • The AR tech, both the ride and the binoculars is absolutely mindblowing. As someone who has somehow basically missed the VR wave, I was very impressed
  • Our queue is definitely improved from Japan's. I love it, the Yoshi section is adorable. Each room was legit packed to the brim with detail
  • The Power-Up Bands are my favorite part of the land, it's a truly genius system that makes the park a ton of money while giving the guest a really unique experience. Very good evolution from the wands which don't really add much to the experience
  • The leaderboards are awesome
  • Icy second floor feels weirdly empty, honestly if they install a bench there I'll be over the moon. Nobody really seems to notice that area and it'd be a really nice place to bring a laptop while soaking in the vibes lol. Still love it and definitely gonna be a great place to take a break from crowds
  • Give us Donkey Kong. Now.

    Closing thought, this land feels like the perfect evolution of the original Disneyland concept of a playground for both parents and children. It really felt like something that has the ability to capture both audiences, and I love it
I'll write a more comprehensive review soon, but these are opening day thoughts.

The land is 100% absolutely not finished. I think they were told they had to open today for some major executives from other areas of the company, including Comcast and Universal Pictures. From my understanding, it was a last-minute scramble, and it shows
This visit was the reason why I was so sure it wasn't gonna soft today lol, thought it was being closed off for the executive visit. Something something “Inside Universal is not to be trusted” -Universal Core

One of my first thoughts when walking in today was how impressive it was that it looked to be in a much much better state compared to last week during the media preview. Major major props to the construction workers. Thought it was funny looking at my band after hitting a block and seeing construction dust.
Anyways this is a major win for USH, and I think will even more put it on the map. Once Fast and DK open, I could legit see this as a 2 full day park which is nuts
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One of my first thoughts when walking in today was how impressive it was that it looked to be in a much much better state compared to last week during the media preview. Major major props to the construction workers. It was funny looking at my band after hitting a block and seeing construction dust.
Anyways this is a major win for USH, and I think will even more put it on the map. Once Fast and DK open, I could legit see this as a 2 full day park which is crazy
Funny enough, I noticed there was still a piece of plastic construction tarp still hanging in an entry way right by the overlook in front of Bowser's Castle. The queue even had the "fresh paint" smell. Also say what you want about Moaning Murtle making you uncomfortable, but at least the Potter restrooms have paper towels!

Yeah once F&F and Bourne open, USH will be a bonafide full day park. USH has come a long way since Transformers opened when there was barely anything to do! I remember visiting UO for the first time when I was 11 only to come back home to my park to see how sad and pathetic it was. Look at USH now! Glad to see this park grow!

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention that I thought would be worth bringing up: My first ride went very smooth. However on my second ride, the ride stopped dead-on twice. There were a lot of delays going on. Probably from the guests trying to adjust their headsets.
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First off, met a lot of great people yesterday.

@Jerroddragon Nice to finally meet you in person.
@Freak Sorry I wasn't able to find you. Perhaps you left after I was seated. I sat across from @Dustin and JPLand's table.
@Dustin Great bumping into you again. Forgot to ask you but why did you and JP leave 3 togo boxes on your table when you left? I was about to steal some of your dessert that looked barely touched. Haha.
Jonathan Green who was also with @ParksAndCons.
Got to help film Jake from JSLand doing the Koopa Troopa POWer Punch for his video.
And many others who I don't think are on here.

Wow! Just Wow! Not much of a Potter fan, but that reveal when seeing Hogwarts Castle in person for the first time was surreal. As a huge Nintendo fan, this was even more emotional.

Got into the land just after 12pm. Went to 1-Up Factory and got my Power-Up Band within a minute. Try here if the line is long at the kiosks outside.

Lined up for MK and waited less than 30 minutes. It had that "new car smell." Just an incredible ride. AR is amazing. There's so much going on it can be overwhelming. But that Rainbow Road finale tho. Absolutely insane! Favorite scene of the ride.

Met up with the twin brothers behind Attractions 360° for a second ride. We got in just before they closed the ride for the day around 3:30. With no one behind us, they got some great shots without any people in it. Check them out @SoCal360 on Twitter. They recently went to USJ so it was great hearing about the differences between both SNWs.

Now I know why we have so much queue in the land. There's absolutely no upper level queue in the show building. After the two preshow rooms, you turn left to where they distribute the visors. This is the bridge that connects to the show building. You then walk down some stairs, turn right and down more stairs to the loading station. This makes me wonder why the building is as tall as it is. So yeah, those switchbacks in front of Bowser's head are permanent along with the shade sails. If you look at the anchor points, it was designed that way all along.

Wasn't as impressed with the AR binoculars. It looked kinda flat if that makes sense.

Didn't get to do Bowser Jr. battle since the Piranha Plant game kept breaking down. I feel like some of these mini games are one and done. Can't imagine me wanting to keep cranking a wheel every visit.

I was wrong about there being a third or middle level behind Mt. Beanpole. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me during the brief sighting of the opened doors from the tram.

I like how Toadstool Cafe is set up. You order and pay first, get a tracker and they bring your order to your table. They even give you metal silverware. I'm confused about the whole reservation thing. Before getting seated, I was asked if I had a reservation to which I said, "No, I just ordered." The girl then says nevermind.

Had the Mario burger. It was just ok. The bun was a little dry. Bacon was way overcooked. I don't mind crispy bacon, but it should be brittle and crumble with the slightest bite. It required a solid bite to break through it like hard candy. I love mushrooms and thought it could've used more mushrooms. Sauce is good. The patty's crust was dry, but the inside was good. Nothing mindblowing.

Seems the Power Bands had a hard time staying on. It would slowly open up and I was afraid I'd lose it without knowing it but seemed to have "broken in" after a few hours.

They need a Freestyle machine somewhere in the land. It's hard to get ice and water without waiting in line at Toadstool Cafe.

With all that said, my childhood dreams have come to life. Glad to finally experience it in person and look forward to many future visits.
First off, met a lot of great people yesterday.

@Jerroddragon Nice to finally meet you in person.
@Freak Sorry I wasn't able to find you. Perhaps you left after I was seated. I sat across from @Dustin and JPLand's table.
@Dustin Great bumping into you again. Forgot to ask you but why did you and JP leave 3 togo boxes on your table when you left? I was about to steal some of your dessert that looked barely touched. Haha.
Jonathan Green who was also with @ParksAndCons.
Got to help film Jake from JSLand doing the Koopa Troopa POWer Punch for his video.
And many others who I don't think are on here.

Wow! Just Wow! Not much of a Potter fan, but that reveal when seeing Hogwarts Castle in person for the first time was surreal. As a huge Nintendo fan, this was even more emotional.

Got into the land just after 12pm. Went to 1-Up Factory and got my Power-Up Band within a minute. Try here if the line is long at the kiosks outside.

Lined up for MK and waited less than 30 minutes. It had that "new car smell." Just an incredible ride. AR is amazing. There's so much going on it can be overwhelming. But that Rainbow Road finale tho. Absolutely insane! Favorite scene of the ride.

Met up with the twin brothers behind Attractions 360° for a second ride. We got in just before they closed the ride for the day around 3:30. With no one behind us, they got some great shots without any people in it. Check them out @SoCal360 on Twitter. They recently went to USJ so it was great hearing about the differences between both SNWs.

Now I know why we have so much queue in the land. There's absolutely no upper level queue in the show building. After the two preshow rooms, you turn left to where they distribute the visors. This is the bridge that connects to the show building. You then walk down some stairs, turn right and down more stairs to the loading station. This makes me wonder why the building is as tall as it is. So yeah, those switchbacks in front of Bowser's head are permanent along with the shade sails. If you look at the anchor points, it was designed that way all along.

Wasn't as impressed with the AR binoculars. It looked kinda flat if that makes sense.

Didn't get to do Bowser Jr. battle since the Piranha Plant game kept breaking down. I feel like some of these mini games are one and done. Can't imagine me wanting to keep cranking a wheel every visit.

I was wrong about there being a third or middle level behind Mt. Beanpole. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me during the brief sighting of the opened doors from the tram.

I like how Toadstool Cafe is set up. You order and pay first, get a tracker and they bring your order to your table. They even give you metal silverware. I'm confused about the whole reservation thing. Before getting seated, I was asked if I had a reservation to which I said, "No, I just ordered." The girl then says nevermind.

Had the Mario burger. It was just ok. The bun was a little dry. Bacon was way overcooked. I don't mind crispy bacon, but it should be brittle and crumble with the slightest bite. It required a solid bite to break through it like hard candy. I love mushrooms and thought it could've used more mushrooms. Sauce is good. The patty's crust was dry, but the inside was good. Nothing mindblowing.

Seems the Power Bands had a hard time staying on. It would slowly open up and I was afraid I'd lose it without knowing it but seemed to have "broken in" after a few hours.

They need a Freestyle machine somewhere in the land. It's hard to get ice and water without waiting in line at Toadstool Cafe.

With all that said, my childhood dreams have come to life. Glad to finally experience it in person and look forward to many future visits.

Do you mean this "area" of the queue, that is open to the outdoors? Or the one that is seemingly above this one, with the tarps installed? I think that other area may not have been in use, but I think it's an upper level "extended" queue?


There seemed to be stairs in that first outdoor space, so I assume those would lead up to that upper extended "Yoshi" queue, if needed?

Yeah, I’m picturing something similar to the Jungle Cruise queue situation at Disneyland. File up the stairs, snake around, file back down.
Do you mean this "area" of the queue, that is open to the outdoors? Or the one that is seemingly above this one, with the tarps installed? I think that other area may not have been in use, but I think it's an upper level "extended" queue?

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View attachment 18175

Yes, your first image is directly below your second image. There are stairs leading up to the upper level. You would go up the left side, go through switchbacks above before coming back down the right side. It’s extended queue that wasn’t utilized yesterday.
Yes, your first image is directly below your second image. There are stairs leading up to the upper level. You would go up the left side, go through switchbacks above before coming back down the right side. It’s extended queue that wasn’t utilized yesterday.

Understood, I thought maybe this:

"I was wrong about there being a third or middle level behind Mt. Beanpole. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me during the brief sighting of the opened doors from the tram."

meant one of those areas, I misunderstood! You thought there was another area including those spaces!
I thought the highlighted doors below was ground level with two more levels above but turns out it's just two levels. Hope this helps.

SNW Back Corner.jpg
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