The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 543 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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haha, yeah man.
I work in Japan, as a attraction designer for Japanese local parks (any small local ones other than Uni and Disney).
Sucky belive me.

I dont think I would call it sucky - but different. You get the advantage of attractions changing out all the time: I mean, I would have loved to see the FullMetal Alchemist attraction when it was running, but stuff over there doesnt necessarily last 10 years plus like they do here, Japan (especially the smaller parks) change stuff out so often you get to experience something new all the time - thats EPIC in a whole lot of ways!
(of course it makes it hard for us to schedule a vacation over there to see something unique like the FMA attraction because its here one day and gone the next).

I could just imagine if we could convince the parks around here to put up a life-size Gundam or Eva next to Lake Eola...that would be really cool!
So no, I wouldnt call it sucky, just different. IMHO it kind of rocks!!
Is there a pressed penny machine in WWoHP yet?

I remember my eldest daughter asked if she could buy something on Ebay that only cost a Penny. I said "Sure!" Found out the shipping was Air Mail from the UK! Then came the puppy dog eyes. It was a Harry Potter pressed penny. So we paid about $10 for a penny. This was about 8 yrs ago and we still laugh about it.

--- Update ---

Psion, my children would be jealous of you. The UK is home to 90% of our family but we live in the US so all the UK stuff has a Homey feeling to them. Huge Potter heads here at our house too. But they have a great facination with Japan. We will be looking up all sorts of things for Japan as that will be the trip next year.
I remember my eldest daughter asked if she could buy something on Ebay that only cost a Penny. I said "Sure!" Found out the shipping was Air Mail from the UK! Then came the puppy dog eyes. It was a Harry Potter pressed penny. So we paid about $10 for a penny. This was about 8 yrs ago and we still laugh about it.

LOL...I cant count the times Ive spent almost nothing on Ebay getting some little item from Japan (my kids and I are very into Anime), and paid 4x the price of the item on shipping!!!
LMAO! Thats almost as funny as the real menu over at The Holy Land Experience where they serve..."Goliath Burgers"!

"Welcome to the Holy Land Experience - Crucifixions at 10 and 2 daily!"


:lol: That was Funny! I think I woke up one of my children.

--- Update ---

LOL...I cant count the times Ive spent almost nothing on Ebay getting some little item from Japan (my kids and I are very into Anime), and paid 4x the price of the item on shipping!!!
Mine introduced me to Anime and I think some are fabulous some are um, should be rated R. I learned a leason about buying DVDs well disks. The wont play on the DVD player here, sort of like those I picked up in Germany. But those I purchased from Japan we can atleast watch on a laptop.

Sorry, off topic and will stop :)
:lol: That was Funny! I think I woke up one of my children.

There is a GREAT photo expose' on one of the boards (may even be this one...) - has things like: a picture of Jesus (a cut-out of the actor at the park) kneeling in front of...a pressed penny machine! Somehow I dont think that really has much to do with the story of the tax collectors in the temple, but.... LOL!
Or, the "Last Supper Dinner Experience"... no, for real!

I still want to go in there one day, but my wife wont let me: not for religious reasons or anything, shes just a afraid with my cynical sense of humor we would be kicked out before we got our 35 bucks worth!
hee hee hee!
There is a GREAT photo expose' on one of the boards (may even be this one...) - has things like: a picture of Jesus (a cut-out of the actor at the park) kneeling in front of...a pressed penny machine! Somehow I dont think that really has much to do with the story of the tax collectors in the temple, but.... LOL!
Or, the "Last Supper Dinner Experience"... no, for real!

I still want to go in there one day, but my wife wont let me: not for religious reasons or anything, shes just a afraid with my cynical sense of humor we would be kicked out before we got our 35 bucks worth!
hee hee hee!

I could just imagin the Quotes under your photos from the parks. Yes, I think you and your wife would get kicked out ha!
Mine introduced me to Anime and I think some are fabulous some are um, should be rated R. I learned a leason about buying DVDs well disks. The wont play on the DVD player here, sort of like those I picked up in Germany. But those I purchased from Japan we can atleast watch on a laptop.

Actually even some of the cheap 25 dollar DVD players from WalMart can either right out of the box or with a firmware update, be made region-free, so you can watch disks from anywhere.
I also download a LOT of anime (since it takes so long for stuff to get over here and be dubbed, and then we only get a small fraction of the stuff) from fan groups and sites on the net - some of them released and subtitled by fan groups the same night the episode premeirs in Japan. Then I set up a Video server in the house that streams to receiver boxes on each TV in the house from the server - so we can watch everything on TV.
Technology and Anime - two items that can combine and become an addiction!

--- Update ---

I could just imagin the Quotes under your photos from the parks. Yes, I think you and your wife would get kicked out ha!

You saw the pic from FJ enterance the other day that was posted here of the trash can in front of the "test seat" sign?
I hijacked a copy of that photo and posted it to our facebook with the caption "so this must be UO's solution for the weight problem that is keeping so many folks from riding FJ at WWoHP".
I dont think I would call it sucky - but different. You get the advantage of attractions changing out all the time: I mean, I would have loved to see the FullMetal Alchemist attraction when it was running, but stuff over there doesnt necessarily last 10 years plus like they do here, Japan (especially the smaller parks) change stuff out so often you get to experience something new all the time - thats EPIC in a whole lot of ways!
(of course it makes it hard for us to schedule a vacation over there to see something unique like the FMA attraction because its here one day and gone the next).

I could just imagine if we could convince the parks around here to put up a life-size Gundam or Eva next to Lake Eola...that would be really cool!
So no, I wouldnt call it sucky, just different. IMHO it kind of rocks!!

cool. you totally got it.

I mean it has its pros, as in most attractions I do last 6 months to 1 year.
is fun for me, constantly making different things.

but sucky, in terms of, my design budget never exceed over 300,000 bucks.
(but the biggest one I did does cost 1.5 mil, but that is it.)
to even think about anything Disney or Uni
so, I guess is a dream, to ever make a "300 mil" attraction like potter or disneysea whatevers.

you get it right? is like looking at 1 dollar (or 30 cents) in your left hand,
and in your right hand is 300 bucks.
Totally difference. hehe.

thanks for your comments.

--- Update ---

Wow, this thread is only one page off from it's predecessor. Quite the achievement, fellas and gals..

I told you guys!!!

we will hit over thread 1 before grand opening!!!
psion, we need to stay in touch...we are hoping to get over to Japan next spring and being an engineer myself, I would love to tour some of the attractions youve designed.

Besides, it would be nice to have a friend to be in a two way conduit to get unique items and merchandise to each other that we cant easily get in our respective locations. (Florida and Japan respecively).
I wont tell you how difficult it was for me to get most of the 20,000 leagues merch from Tokyo Disney when it came out.
Heading out in hopes of softs. I'll be wearing an orange shirt that proudly displays the fact that "I Saw Rock City," and my daughter will be wearing a witch hat if anyone wants to say "hello."
WTG hateto! :happy:

You've been trying for a while, enjoy!

--- Update ---

Wow, this thread is only one page off from it's predecessor. Quite the achievement, fellas and gals..

Not to mention we got here in 3 months versus 2.5 years with the other thread.