The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 544 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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hatetofly huge congrats. can't wait to hear what you think once you get out & don't leave until security is pushing you out of the gate you earned being there enjoy every moment.
it seems they got it going.

I wonder if the land closed at 10 or they changing things yet

someone started a rumor that tomorrow will be a full day
Wow this thread is epic! Does anyone think we'll get to 1,000 or will a new one be started by then?
The cauldron cakes sound delicious, can anyone compare it to something?
The same thing happened to me when I went on FJ last week. It was right before we dropped and saw the dragon. I hope next time I go it works because when we did go by it the timing was then off so I don't know how it looks like working, and it looked awesome without the right lighting and everything else. I'm not sure if we will reach 1,000. After grand opening what are we going to talk about because we have all the ride discussion in another thread and we already know what is in the land. We will see though.
Kate_Hayman [HASHTAG]#potterwatch[/HASHTAG] according to unnamed sources [HASHTAG]#wwohp[/HASHTAG] is going to be open all day!

We will have to see how true this is.... I am hoping it is, I can go out there tonight and check it out.
Kate_Hayman #potterwatch according to unnamed sources #wwohp is going to be open all day!

We will have to see how true this is.... I am hoping it is, I can go out there tonight and check it out.

Don't get your hopes up with too much. Yesterday was the same rumor, and thus, it didn't happen. I think we're looking at a 12 noon closing today.
they have to keep it open all day at some point before the 18th. They need to know what the down time situation for FJ will look like during all day operation, and how quickly they can get it back up and running.
People are going to say the rumor that it will stay open all day everyday now. Let's use some common sense on this one if the walls for dragons are going back up they are done with softs for the day. Afternoon only soft won't ever exist because it makes zero sense to close dragons AGAIN for a few hrs. to bring the walls back down after putting them back up when the package people leave. So if it's going to be open all day if will be open all day by noon at the latest because the dragon walls will not be going back up.
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well is it still open today?

no-one has said they couldn't get in or they were putting the walls up etc...

edit: nevermind i just saw a tweet from someone who tried to show up after 10 and couldn't get in
People are going to say the rumor that it will stay open all day everyday now. Let's use some common sense on this one if the walls for dragons are going back up they are done with softs for the day. Afternoon only soft won't ever exist because it makes zero sense to close dragons AGAIN for a few hrs. to bring the walls back down after putting them back up when the package people leave. So if it's going to be open all day if will be open all day by noon at the latest because the dragon walls will not be going back up.

I understand what you are saying and agree. The issue is there was no report one way or another as to whether the walls had gone back up or not. Stupid Twitter keeps telling me it is over capacity :)
No full day of softs today either. From @justinj2:
Final update [HASHTAG]#wwohp[/HASHTAG] is closed for the day! [HASHTAG]#potterwatch[/HASHTAG]

I'll be out there tommorow through Sunday and will try to post a few updates on my Twitter for you all.