The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 546 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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There was a waitress servicing the line for Olivander's today. She was taking orders for Pumpkin Juice and Butterbeer. That was a nice touch, would be cool if they keep doing that.
Oh, brevard has been out for two weeks, figured everyone else was the same. I graduated from fsu on the first, so I've already had over a month of summer :). Enjoy your time off, next time I won't speak so soon

--- Update ---

Dudes, I had the awesomest time with my kids is WWoHP today. Got to the front at about 8:30 and got right in. Waited for about an hour. While I was in line by the sorting hat, Mark Woodbury walked by. I didn't know what to say, so I said something like "Hey, how are you?" I shook his and said something else stupid like "Nice to see you." He had 2 other people with him, one had a camera. They watched the Sorting Hat for a minute and then went back where they came from. Right after that is when the ride broke down for about 20 minutes. My group was next in line. When it was back up, they cycled empty vehicles for awhile. I assume it was to get the people off. I also noticed some new things since Monday one that I don't think is a spoiler is that the house points now have arrows with the house name and seal on them. Also the ride seemed a bit wilder, but it could have just been me. After FJ, we rode FOTH with no wait.
The shops were not as busy, I believe it was because of all the people still in line for FJ. I actually had room to move around.

After all of that an even awesomer thing happened. A lady approached me and introduced herself as being from Time magazine. She asked if she could photograph my daughter (who was wearing a witch hat and red/white striped scarf from home). She took like 50 pictures and said it would be in the online write up and the print magazine that should be out soon. I'm still in amazed and proud about that. I'll post a link when it comes out. Also this means time will have a WWoHP article soon.
We left WWoHP at around noon and they weren't letting people in. I got stopped 3 times by people that were curious about how we got in. This was truly an amazing day.
doesn't get much better than that! Wish me luck tomorrow




Volusia county's first day out was today.

Orange County too.

I found this:

The regular school year ends as early as May 21, 2010, for students in Brevard County and as late as June 15, 2010, for students in Lee County. Of the remaining districts, the school year ends for students in 1 district on May 25; in 1 district on May 26; 1 district on May 28; in 3 districts on June 3; in 13 districts on June 4; 7 districts on June 8; in 21 districts on June 9; in 12 districts on June 10; and in 6 districts on June 11.

I don't think Brevard would effect attendance as much as the 21 ones getting out today, especially since that includes all of the Central Florida ones.
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After all of that an even awesomer thing happened. A lady approached me and introduced herself as being from Time magazine. She asked if she could photograph my daughter (who was wearing a witch hat and red/white striped scarf from home). She took like 50 pictures and said it would be in the online write up and the print magazine that should be out soon. I'm still in amazed and proud about that. I'll post a link when it comes out. Also this means time will have a WWoHP article soon.
We left WWoHP at around noon and they weren't letting people in. I got stopped 3 times by people that were curious about how we got in. This was truly an amazing day.

Congrats! I look forward to reading the article and seeing the pics! Sounds like you had a really good time!!!
Just over 3 years ago I was saying to myself I wonder what this whole Harry Potter thing will be like. Over the years I followed construction closely and began to read and watch the HP movies to gain knowledge of the franchise. Within that time I became more and more excited and amazed of whats coming to my favorite theme park. So wondered can it live up as the most hyped attraction/theme park addition ever, will it satisfy the true fans, will it, will it, will it..... Today I got the answer HELL YEAH it does!!!

This morning I arrived at IOA at 8:40 and got into line in hopes of getting into my first soft preview. They opened the park at 8:45 and I lucked out as they opened an extra turnstile and got right up front. Right in front of Confisco's there were yellow plaids standing there and I thought s*** not today. He then said everyone please walk Potter is open! I nearly fainted!

Upon entering my jaw immediately hit the floor, to see pictures is one thing to stand in its presence is something to behold. The entire area is just mesmerizing, its life like and you really feel as if your in Harry's world. I ran straight to the FJ and the sign depicted a 45 minute wait, to which I was like piece of cake! Now I didn't take any pictures of the queue or attraction itself because honestly I didn't want to. It was my time and I really wanted to take it all in. I wont go into spoilers so don't worry, all I will say is the queue is amazing and as everyone else has said is an attraction in itself. The ride is just mind blowing, the movement, the effects, oh and its scary not like thrill ride way scary but like spooky scary. I screamed three times, one of those got me really good and I mean it truly made me jump and scream like a girl no offense ladies. I went on it twice, and the second time I hit the single riders and during the second ride it stopped and the lights came on for just over 20 minutes. Once the ride finally restarted it ran for about 20-30 seconds with all the lights still on, it was very cool if your like me and interested in how they do these things.

After the FJ I rode FoTH which was fun and the Buckbeak animatronic is top notch. I then hit the can and I over heard moaning myrtle which was really cool. The shops were really cool but I agree that they are very cramped and for the most part I skipped out on them. I didn't want anyone spilling my beer, yeah I was loaded by 11am it was great! The hogs head is fantastic and I can't wait to hit up the Three Broomsticks for some fish and chips. Before I heading for DC I wanted to grab a Butter Bear to try. I got the frozen since thats what the guy recommended and I really enjoyed it. One is enough for me its very sweet. I rode the fireball and then just walked around Hogsmeade for the next hour trying to take it all in.

This is going to be a huge winner for Universal, the average family is going to love it and Potter fans are just going to go nuts. Now I was by myself and it took me nearly 2.5 hours to cover what I did. And I didn't do the Horntail, Olivanders, or eat at the three broomsticks. The average family during the summer season will need 3-4 hours to cover the WWoHP at a minimum. It was so much fun and can't wait to go back and see the shops, see olivanders, and eat at the Three Broomsticks. Oh man I mean my face hurts from smiling so much, it was that fun. I will let the picture do the rest of the talking, and some of them did not come out the way I would of hoped, because well I was all over the place like a four year old..LOL.

I will do pictures in 4 parts, ENJOY!!!:wave:


























So wondered can it live up as the most hyped attraction/theme park addition ever, will it satisfy the true fans, will it, will it, will it..... Today I got the answer HELL YEAH it does!!!

Great new slant hatetofly! Great pictures as well. It appears they appearing for the various pre grand opening events with all of the stages and lighting set up. Loved the pictures of riding the hippogryph with the riders in focus and all else a blur... very dynamic.

What happend to FJs wait time sign.

It is probably in the shop with the Hog's Head.
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dang look at all that stuff on the bridge

huge tower

i guess for cameras maybe?

and also i see that's where they store all the walls

i wonder if they opened dueling dragons today with all that stuff there

moving lights in hogsmeade lol

--- Update ---

the sign outside forbidden journey changed but i cant read it