The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 551 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Hey everyone, I have a question. What's the deal with the birthday wands? What dose that mean? Like it has to be your bithday and you get a special wand or what? Thanks for you help!
Teebin, wasn't Dan Radcliffe recently "old" and is now young again? Perhaps he will be around for a few days before the opening? That sure would make Moaning Myrtle jealous...
biggest shirt size I saw was 2x and only in very few styles

just my observation is that most of 3B lunch/dinner menu choices have been available at Finnegan's in US for years.
I was sadly mistaken. And don't be cocky.

I agree, it should be there. No good reason for it to not be. We have to assume there is a reason that we have not thought of.

Yeah, first I thought maybe the light will blind the kids eye balls or something
so they remove it

then, I thought, wait, you can just turn it off and just have a fake light on there.

So I dont understand.
maybe someone messed up and couldnt replicate it. (I doubt it, if they replica the whole train model!)

and yeah, the lime deposit is horrible.

hey maybe more jobs for the clean up crew!
shine that train up!
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This is probably what happened with the train light on the front. They had the light on and realized that at night it would glare at people's eyes. Also someone probably thought the light cluttered the front of the train. Also, I kind of like the train without a light. So those are probably the reasons:)
I am bringing my wife for the first time on the 19th and 20th and I hope her expression is like mine. Your children won't know what hit them when they enter the gates. I truly had a moment when I walked into Hogsmeade this morning, uh just amazing. I couldn't stop smiling, I don't even think a brazilian tour group chanting their national anthem for 45 minutes in line would of taken the smile off my face!

I am so excited about my children seeing this for the first time! Hope their experience is similar to yours.
Will anyone be able to confirm the soft opening and post on here by 9am today? I want to head over after work, but if it's not open, I'd rather not log any extra time on I-4 (the nation's 3rd most deadly road, behind 1-95 and some road in Jersey).
When you say that teebin makes me think of everyone being in costume for the opening so as old as Daniel is hes returning to the age of Harry?
It is confirmed by my friend that works at Uni, all day softs start tomorrow and are supposed to run all week! TIME TO EXPERIENCE THE WIZARDING WORLD AT NIGHT
It is confirmed by my friend that works at Uni, all day softs start tomorrow and are supposed to run all week! TIME TO EXPERIENCE THE WIZARDING WORLD AT NIGHT

we need night pics!!!! for sure!!!

oh, I like your name.
Universalhead.... as oppsite to Disneyhead hehe.
just my observation is that most of 3B lunch/dinner menu choices have been available at Finnegan's in US for years.

Pretty much every menu item is mirorred in one restaurant or another at both parks. Cafe 4 = Louie's. Enchanted Oak/Thunderfalls = Cafe La Bamba. Richter's = Burger Digs. Captain America Cafe = Mel's. Comic Strip Cafe = Int'l Food Festival/Bazaar. Circus McGurkus = Monsters. Even the sit downs are fairly close, at least in dining type. Lombard's= Mythos (in terms of the finer dining options), Confisco's = Finnegan's (casual family/bar food).

With 3B, they're not going to reinvent the wheel; heck half the menu is the old menu from Enchanted Oak (rotisserre chicken, bbq ribs, corn on the cob, roasted potatoes, bbq chicken salad). When they left the kitchen intact, they left the smokers and corn racks in as well.
How hard is it to clean the lime off that is there now and install a filter? Is it very expensive?

A little CLR/ limeaway will do the trick, and shouldn't take the paint off if used properly.

They'll have to be careful with the filter as filtered water tends to leach minerals out of metals which could hasten the deterioration of the Express. That's why if you have a filter in your refrigerator and ice maker/water dispenser, the line leading from the filter to the ice maker is plastic instead of the copper line from your water supply to the filter.