The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 553 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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That sucks, they've never gone that far to disperse the crowd before.

Did you see the pictures of the crowds?!? I don't blame Uni for trying to disperse the crowds. Honestly, they won't open at 11 AM if the crowds are that bad, they won't want to handle that many people at one time. I think they are trying to get the crowds to go away so they can open it with a lower amount of people. Those pictures I saw are crazy insane. Search for #potterwatch on Twitter and you will see what I mean.
It's beyond nuts I am using this pic & my experiences at Disney on NYE to give me a idea of what to expect on the 18th. The only thing I have decided about that day is I doubt I'm wearing my robe I bought there because I don''t want thousands of people tripping over me lol
It's beyond nuts I am using this pic & my experiences at Disney on NYE to give me a idea of what to expect on the 18th. The only thing I have decided about that day is I doubt I'm wearing my robe I bought there because I don''t want thousands of people tripping over me lol
Plus all the extra heat from all the bodies! Next Friday, I'm just going to go without expectations, see what pans out, and try and enjoy myself haha

I have a question about the stage--maybe I missed when they put it in...but what is its purpose?
Why are there so many people there today? Did the RUMOR of full day soft spread that quickly? Guess I will be holding out for a day before a hurricane is forecast to hit central florida the morning after.

I have a question about the stage--maybe I missed when they put it in...but what is its purpose?

It is for big parties and celebrations on the evenings of the 16th and 17th. A full sized triple-decker purple bus will be pulling up to that stage... with special people on it.
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Plus all the extra heat from all the bodies! Next Friday, I'm just going to go without expectations, see what pans out, and try and enjoy myself haha

I have a question about the stage--maybe I missed when they put it in...but what is its purpose?

Oh I know I'm going mostly to people watch & take crowd shots for all of you to enjoy that day I have no real plan lol. As far as the stage your guess is as good as ours right now something for the parties or opening ceremony of some sort would be the most we know.

--- Update ---

via @Tbad556

Tms and security are saying it may open soon. Word is noon. #potterwatch
Oh I know I'm going mostly to people watch & take crowd shots for all of you to enjoy that day I have no real plan lol. As far as the stage your guess is as good as ours right now something for the parties or opening ceremony of some sort would be the most we know.

--- Update ---

via @Tbad556

Tms and security are saying it may open soon. Word is noon. #potterwatch
Oooo noon! Maybe all-day soft was accurate. Hope they continue this until the opening. I've been dying to take a trip down there since softs began...
And I'm excited to people-watch too. As weird as this may sound, I love it when I'm at Disney and I watch little kids whining, crying, and complaining. It makes me laugh. You're at DISNEY WORLD! Goodness...
Regarding Teebin's riddle--could it possibly be Bonnie Wright? Because the same thing goes for her. She was once old (for the filming) and now she's "new" again. I remember hearing a rumor she was supposed to be at Universal around the opening.
I have a question about the 3 Broomsticks breakfast. I can't remember where I read it, but I thought it was said that in addition to the traditional English breakfast, an American breakfast is also offered, as well as a pancake option. Is this true? I know there are certain things with the English breakfast that certain family members won't touch, and my youngest would probably only be interested in the pancakes if they have them.
via @Tbad556

90 minute wait for fj.

--- Update ---

I have a question about the 3 Broomsticks breakfast. I can't remember where I read it, but I thought it was said that in addition to the traditional English breakfast, an American breakfast is also offered, as well as a pancake option. Is this true? I know there are certain things with the English breakfast that certain family members won't touch, and my youngest would probably only be interested in the pancakes if they have them.

Thats correct there is an American option & a only pancake one also
here ya go
