The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 559 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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No the meal deal can't be used inside the area at all.

Teebin I just find it a bit strange that you didn't know about today & let suddenly have big news of some sort? I mean for others sake I hope you do have something your willing to share but really there is not much more to say unless you have a confirmed guest list for the parties which is something I know you can't even pull off. Call me what you will but it seems your just grabbing at straws a bit now but let's not tie it up here feel free to PM me anyone who wants to scream at me.
No the meal deal can't be used inside the area at all.

Teebin I just find it a bit strange that you didn't know about today & let suddenly have big news of some sort? I mean for others sake I hope you do have something your willing to share but really there is not much more to say unless you have a confirmed guest list for the parties which is something I know you can't even pull off. Call me what you will but it seems your just grabbing at straws a bit now but let's not tie it up here feel free to PM me anyone who wants to scream at me.

Oh hush up little one and stop being so friggin cocky! It isn't becoming.
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fun pictures! I love seeing people enjoying the park. anyone see the picture of the women who bought a broom? it was in a plan ol cardboard shipping box.... for that price it would be nice to come in a case or something!

I always wonder, is there somwhere you can keep your broom after you buy it??

is so big, it will ruin your enjoyment of the day.
So locker wont fit right?
or does cast member can hold it for you?

man, it will be tiresome holding that thing and trying to have fun.

(i only wonder because I want one, but I am lazy to carry it!)
Yes! I finally made it in today! The FJ was down by the time I got there, but they did eventually let us tour the queue after about an hour. I was there around 3, so I think I just missed the ride. People were still being let into the castle to check their lockers. At least I have a good reason to go back. Make that two good reasons. The other: frozen butterbeer! It's delicious!

All the employees seemed especially nice in the Harry Potter area. Not that the rest of the park has a bunch of jerks working there, but the young people inside WWoHP just seemed happy to be there.
All the employees seemed especially nice in the Harry Potter area. Not that the rest of the park has a bunch of jerks working there, but the young people inside WWoHP just seemed happy to be there.

Well it's still new so I attribute part of this to that. Let's see how the attitude of the area is when they are open for more than 3 hours a day and deal with more than a few thousand people =)
There is no accurate way to determine if you can ride. I "passed" the test seat, but NOT the seat in the castle. I too am 6-5, and about 250. The problem appeared to be with my shoulders. I DO fit in the seats for the Sum of All Thrills at EPCOT without a problem.

For those tall folks who are concerned about riding FJ, I'm 6'5" 230lbs. Depsite being stopped at both sets of test seats, I made it on without much of a problem. I didn't find the seats to be terribly uncomfortable either.
Does that mean you are going to tell us the guest list even though DFB says you don't know it? Or are you going to tell us something that is only known by a few people on this forum?

Hmm... not sure what to do here. Honestly. It makes sense what I have heard. As for the guest list. If DFB knows the guest list than I am Mickey Mouse. And I am not Mickey Mouse, at all.

--- Update ---

Does this have to do with the stage that predicated the removal of all the fir trees?

It does Luna.
Hmm... not sure what to do here. Honestly. It makes sense what I have heard. As for the guest list. If DFB knows the guest list than I am Mickey Mouse. And I am not Mickey Mouse, at all.

--- Update ---

It does Luna.

This thing that you've heard, does it have to do with the grand opening day of the 18th or does it have to do with one of the IOA early close nights (16th or 17th)?
Oh yippie I was called a name again but I'll keep the topic free of fights & anyone else who would like to say I'm this or that please PM me I don't want to clog up the boards with non sense thats off topic.

But any of this type of information as far as the events go is very hush hush that only very few know much. Also they are still planning out the smaller details of it all so some things are still un known. The main details have been planned out since oh lets say around April but things are always changing. I mean why do you think the stars were here the other week? it's because that was the original opening time & they didn't change their plans Of coarse Dan will prob. be here he is in NY on Sunday & the media starts to come in on Monday so it wasn't hard to figure that much out so it's not earth shattering news in the least.

As far as softs happening most of the day the plans did almost come about last min. because they wanted it to happen the day or so before (hence the rumors) It's no surprise there where that many people there who know what was going on because more than likely they were friends with TMs & knew that it would open it was just a matter of how soon. So the next days will be filled with most of the same as today so those going have fun because I doubt they will bother to change their minds again & only have it open for the few hrs. NOW is the time to go & enjoy I can't say it won't close at 6 like tonight but if FJ is running better it very will could keep the open area until close. But come Monday or Tuesday it will back to same old same old as we get closer to setting up for the events so enjoy this while it lasts.

As far as the removal of the trees yes Teebin will know about that because his source is on the construction side of things so if he wants to hint away at that stuff you do indeed know whats going on there & that's your choice. I'm not a mouse by any means but I do have the ears of Dumbo & the sneakiness of a snake :)
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Hmmmmmm, I do know there is supposed to be a 3-night celebration 16th, 17th and 18th.
That may be news.

As for Teebin's news, while waiting, my nerves are strung like a cello :pixiedust:
DFB- That was kind of outta nowhere. So if Teebin doesn't know about the full day softs then he's suddenly not a source of info anymore? I've defended you a lot, but seriously, get over yourself. Teebin has told us more spoilers and exclusives about this place than anyone else.

BTW, love the fact that you go out of your way to call someone out and then say 'take it to the PM if you want to respond.' Uh, no. You post like that in public then you're going to get responded to in public. You don't get to dictate how people post on here.
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I don't deny what Teebin has said because he does know stuff on the construction end I simply said it was odd timing that's all. But again let's keep it in DMs if you want to talk about it more. Now let's all enjoy the all day softs that are spouse to happen over the next few days before the media flies in on Monday.

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