The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 621 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Thanks! However, the Marauder's Map on the Noble collection is only $35 for the non-framed version. The framed version is $65+ $10 shipping= $75. So if you want the Marauder's Map unframed, buy it from the Noble Collection, but if you want it framed, buy it from the WWoHP (you might even get it cheaper than $70 with the AAA discount, do they take AAA at Filch's?).
Ah, thanks for the correction! I edited the post.
just cause... :)

--- Update ---

quick questions, though. they are going to replant the pine trees where that stage was, right?
Hmm maybe I will definitely consider a frog, but just thinking about my prices make my wallet hurt!

It is hard. We only spent a little time in there as it was a soft day that closed early and we spent a good amount of money. We got a frozen and non-frozen butterbeer, pumpkin juice, chocolate frog, and couldron cake. We would have spent more, but the restaurant closed early. Actually everything was closing up, but we said we would go back and spend more :)
quick questions, though. they are going to replant the pine trees where that stage was, right?

Yes, but I hope it is with a twist. I would like them to plant one VERY large live oak right next to the hogsmeade arch and then fade from there with the sprucey looking trees... This would completely block the view of the JP gate on the opposite side of the valley.
I've seen many stories like this. It's rediculous! You're in FLORIDA! If you saw a line like that, wouldn't you bring water? Honestly, anyone with a brain knows Florida heat + sun + no water= passing out/heat stroke. Don't blame Universal for lack of better judgement.
And Universal WAS selling water and other beverages and food in carts throughout the park. They were walking up and down the line announcing that they were selling it. They could have picked something up on the way into City Walk. I don't think Uni should have been responsible for bringing their carts outside of the parks. The people waiting in line around me (got there at 6:30) almost all had water and snacks.

I agree, the worse part of this story is they are AP holders. If you are an AP holder you KNOW better because you either live here or visit often. I never go to the parks without a bottle of water in my hand. If I have guests I give them bottles of water before leaving the house and if they plan to bring back packs I normally stick extra in there. So this is not Uni's fault, that person was stupid to go to the parks with no water, then they see the line and don't go and buy or get free water from any of the stands all over the park and in CityWalk. Uni can't prevent stupid people from being stupid.

My brother-in-law get the top of his head burnt because he refused to put suntan lotion on (stuborn man) while we were at SeaWorld, should he go and complain the the people at Sea World for this?
Universal should mount a webcam in Hogsmeade and call it a magical portal into the village so people can see it from home, it would just make that much more people want to come.
yeah kinda weird that it didn't open.

They had it open for spring break.

But for the parks busiest day everyone showed up just for the world, so the rest of the park was dead and saw little love

I doubt they turned the water vortex on either. I don't even think it was possible to get into the lost continent most of the weekend anyways, so that attraction probably didn't even run or it was dead

The water vortex was not on and longest wait for PF was 25 minutes. I asked if it will ever come back and every PF TM said they didn't know and seemed very gloomy about it.
DC is the highest I've seen it all week--25 minutes! Probably because FJ seemes to be broken isn't on the wait list.
DC is the highest I've seen it all week--25 minutes! Probably because FJ seemes to be broken isn't on the wait list.

FJ is back on the wait times with a 75 minute wait while Dragon Challenge is showing a 40 minute wait. Hippogriff is also at a 20 minutes wait. :confused:
Is there still a wait to get into the WWOHP Land? Also, how is the intensity of FJ? I get motion sick on some rides but I just wanna make sure I wont on this.
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I agree, the worse part of this story is they are AP holders. If you are an AP holder you KNOW better because you either live here or visit often. I never go to the parks without a bottle of water in my hand. If I have guests I give them bottles of water before leaving the house and if they plan to bring back packs I normally stick extra in there. So this is not Uni's fault, that person was stupid to go to the parks with no water, then they see the line and don't go and buy or get free water from any of the stands all over the park and in CityWalk. Uni can't prevent stupid people from being stupid.

My brother-in-law get the top of his head burnt because he refused to put suntan lotion on (stuborn man) while we were at SeaWorld, should he go and complain the the people at Sea World for this?

I'm with you on this. I froze 8 water bottles last night (and 8 on Thursday night for the next day) and carried them in a backpack in anticipation of the heat. Kids stayed hydrated and so did the grown ups. No theme park has control over the weather so getting upset with them because you didn't prepare for the heat is ridiculous.

--- Update ---

Is there still a wait to get into the WWOHP Land? Also, how is the intensity of FJ? I get motion sick on some rides but I just wanna make sure I wont on this.

I don't know about right now, but this morning at 8:20 am there was a long line. And it was still there at 11am. My Mom rode FJ and she has motion sickness and back issues. She rode it and said it was fantastic.
I was one of those who went early Friday morning and I went again today. When we got there today at 8:20am, we got in line in front of the Falls Ride in Toon Lagoon, not too far from the entrance to Jurassic Park. I saw a lot of employees talking to guests in the line, answering questions. My Mom asked one TM (hope that means team member, very new to this board) how long the wait was from where we were. She said she couldn't say for sure, could be a couple of hours, could be as long as 4-5 but this time of day was a good time and it shouldn't be long before we get in. (I don't get why my Mom even asked that....its like asking her to whip out a crystal ball and tell the future). Then my Mom decided to complain about how she's a passholder and thinks its not right that there was no perks for passholders for Potter. At that point, I stepped in and told Mom to chill out. I look at it like this, the perk for seeing Potter with annual pass was I didn't have to wait in line to buy a ticket to get in. The other perk, I get to come back whenever I want and believe me I get my money's worth with the pass. Also told Mom its not her fault there's a line to get in and its not like we didn't know there would be a line. We anticipated a line, just didn't expect for it to be back so far.

Another TM came by handing out little green tickets. I asked what they were for and she said it was to prevent line jumping, you have to have that green ticket to get into Potter. Excellent! Once we got past the big Jurassic Park sign, the line really started moving. 1 1/2 hours is how long we waited before we got into Hogsmeade. Another improvement was the stores. Yes, the lines were still long outside the stores. However, I took a peek inside Dervish and Banges and it wasn't crowded like it was Friday. People had room to move around and look at things. Dragon's Challenge at that time had no wait. Two of my kids wanted to ride it again so we walked through and looked at all the Potter stuff (I missed this on Friday being stuck in D&B and Owl Post just trying to buy postcards). Next we went over to Hogwarts and the wait was 2 hours. We got in line and it moved along ok. Once we got to the actual ride, they let my kids go ahead but stopped me and my Mom so we could try their seats. I told them I wasn't riding since I was the backpack holder. My Mom got in the test seat and all I heard was 2 clicks. They said it was to make sure we'd be comfortable in the seat and that the harness wasn't too tight. They gave my Mom the green light and they rode FJ with no problem. The only thing I didn't like was I really wanted to go to the child swap area and wait. I was so looking forward to watching a little Potter and having a seat after standing for hours. But they told me I had to go downstairs. Lots of people in Filches but I caught the register with no waiting so I was able to buy the things the kids wanted.

There was a cart outside Hogwarts where you could buy wands and the line for that was very long. Hippogriff's was 20 minute wait. Line for butterbeer was very long as well as Three Broomsticks and Hogs Head. Ollivanders was also about 2 hours to wait. By this time, I had had enough of lines for one day and so had my Mom and kids.

So my advice is for awhile if you're going in the morning, go very early. Be there when they open the parking garage. And wear very comfortable shoes, bring bottled water and snacks. Sunscreen too. And your patience. :)

--- Update ---

I'm gonna say no, D Howard is tall but not big in width like Shaq.

I'm betting he gets in. He's Shaq, they're not going to turn him away.
Ok, so this is now the thread of shopping and times to arrive and pigmy puffs? Do I pretty much have this accurate? Just trying to understand that this is not the thread for me any longer. This is not the place to post technical details or dark secrets of the creation of the park itself. This is now the happy travel planning thread. Am I understanding this correctly? Just want post in the correct thread... if there is one for me.
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