The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 858 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Universal's events department is responsible for crowd control. They are the ones in yellow polo shirts you see setting up the parades, and directing people for early park admission at IOA. And I'm pretty sure they were the ones that were around the Transformers building for the first couple of months.
I don't remember where it is now. Someone posted about how they were at Universal taking pictures of the Transformers Crane and someone yelled at them to put their camera away. Followed up by this person saying... "I need to see the lenses cap!"
If anyone ever gives you problems like the events guy I read about somewhere... get their supervisor. If that doesn't resolve anything get their names and complain at guest services.

That doesn't do anything. Per Guest Services, they throw out any and all complaints related to people being unhappy that their TMs are doing their jobs. i.e Enforcing their photography rules on their property.

Just don't get caught and when it doubt. Act like a tourist.
That doesn't do anything. Per Guest Services, they throw out any and all complaints related to people being unhappy that their TMs are doing their jobs. i.e Enforcing their photography rules on their property.

Just don't get caught and when it doubt. Act like a tourist.

Ive been blogging constuction of the Smiler at Alton Towers and am often over there taking photos. The staff at AT encourage you to take photos of constuction, hell, iv'e even had them showing me where there are gaps in the fence so I can get a better shot LOL. What a difference.
That doesn't do anything. Per Guest Services, they throw out any and all complaints related to people being unhappy that their TMs are doing their jobs. i.e Enforcing their photography rules on their property.

Just don't get caught and when it doubt. Act like a tourist.

From what I understand there is no official park-wide photo/camera policy. As long as your safely standing in an area that you are otherwise allowed to be, and the particular attraction does not have it's own photo policy, you are allowed to take photos.

Remember that TMs do not know everything, and sometimes that does include park rules and their authority.

You do not just need to act like a tourist, you are a tourist. You are a paid guest to be within their parks, and as long as you do not work for a competitor (ie. Disney) you should be fine. If the issue is pressed, (politely and reasonably) make sure it is an official policy and not a TM making their own rules.
That doesn't do anything. Per Guest Services, they throw out any and all complaints related to people being unhappy that their TMs are doing their jobs. i.e Enforcing their photography rules on their property.

Just don't get caught and when it doubt. Act like a tourist.

Act like a tourist for getting "caught" for doing something that guest services told me I can do?? I would complain that Im being told by security I cant do something that guest services said I could & doesnt conflict with any of there policies & restrictions. There is a difference between them "doing there job" & enforcing the rules, vs making up & enforcing there own rules.

& by act like a tourist, I take it you mean act dumb? I think the opposite approach would be better by sounding like you did your research/homework/talked to guest services etc on what the rules are so you sound like you know what your talking about, than they probably would be less likely to pursue it & leave you alone, vs playing dumb & them taking advantage of you & the situation & telling you otherwise since they think you dont know what the rules are. People say that no matter what security tells you what to do or not to do, that you should just comply. So as someone said on here earlier, if they said pull down your panys, would you do it?

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From what I understand there is no official park-wide photo/camera policy. As long as your safely standing in an area that you are otherwise allowed to be, and the particular attraction does not have it's own photo policy, you are allowed to take photos.

Remember that TMs do not know everything, and sometimes that does include park rules and their authority.

You do not just need to act like a tourist, you are a tourist. You are a paid guest to be within their parks, and as long as you do not work for a competitor (ie. Disney) you should be fine. If the issue is pressed, (politely and reasonably) make sure it is an official policy and not a TM making their own rules.

Agreed on all:thumbs:
That doesn't do anything. Per Guest Services, they throw out any and all complaints related to people being unhappy that their TMs are doing their jobs. i.e Enforcing their photography rules on their property.

Just don't get caught and when it doubt. Act like a tourist.

I don't care if that person thinks theyre doing their job. They were rude and someone needs to know about it.

Guest services doesn't throw complaints like that out. Even if a T.M. is doing their job, theirs a polite and courteous way to go about asking a guest to not take pictures... if that is even an enforceable rule.
I don't care if that person thinks theyre doing their job. They were rude and someone needs to know about it.

Guest services doesn't throw complaints like that out. Even if a T.M. is doing their job, theirs a polite and courteous way to go about asking a guest to not take pictures... if that is even an enforceable rule.

Try making a big stink on it on Twitter or something and tag Uni's Twitter with a picture of the guy being rude. Do that enough and it may get their attention right?
Act like a tourist for getting "caught" for doing something that guest services told me I can do?? I would complain that Im being told by security I cant do something that guest services said I could & doesnt conflict with any of there policies & restrictions. There is a difference between them "doing there job" & enforcing the rules, vs making up & enforcing there own rules.

& by act like a tourist, I take it you mean act dumb? I think the opposite approach would be better by sounding like you did your research/homework/talked to guest services etc on what the rules are so you sound like you know what your talking about, than they probably would be less likely to pursue it & leave you alone, vs playing dumb & them taking advantage of you & the situation & telling you otherwise since they think you dont know what the rules are. People say that no matter what security tells you what to do or not to do, that you should just comply. So as someone said on here earlier, if they said pull down your panys, would you do it?

- - - Updated - - -

Agreed on all:thumbs:

Call to guest services revealed that security has the right to ask you to delete your photos if they are of unfinished areas or you are attempting to circumvent the construction walls. They mentioned that while they cannot force you to delete your photos, but they can ask you to leave the property. I would double check whoever you asked because that sounds like exact opposites.
Not sure if this is where to post but according to Orlando informer, dragon challenge notice to open at 12 has been removed and it will be opening at normal time
Call to guest services revealed that security has the right to ask you to delete your photos if they are of unfinished areas or you are attempting to circumvent the construction walls. They mentioned that while they cannot force you to delete your photos, but they can ask you to leave the property. I would double check whoever you asked because that sounds like exact opposites.

Man, it just sounds like they cant even make up ther minds as to what's acceptable & what isnt!!

Either way, Im sticking with my story & will continue to take pics according to what Lori told me, thats who I talked to at guest services. I would imagine the biggest problem is that they want to keep this expansion a "secret" HA HA! until the announcement, & than will back off once that happens.
Not sure if this is where to post but according to Orlando informer, dragon challenge notice to open at 12 has been removed and it will be opening at normal time

It should return at some point, gotta be something going on in the construction process to change this.
Man, it just sounds like they cant even make up ther minds as to what's acceptable & what isnt!!

Either way, Im sticking with my story & will continue to take pics according to what Lori told me, thats who I talked to at guest services. I would imagine the biggest problem is that they want to keep this expansion a "secret" HA HA! until the announcement, & than will back off once that happens.

Don't try to reach over the wall, and you probably won't have a problem. If you are going to fight security about it, you're just making yours and the security guards day worse. The security guard is a guy, who got told by another guy, to tell other guys not to do this. So fighting security and giving them a hard time is not the way to do it, if anything write a letter of your issues to someone that is a step or two up. Otherwise you're just making someones job harder.
Don't try to reach over the wall, and you probably won't have a problem. If you are going to fight security about it, you're just making yours and the security guards day worse. The security guard is a guy, who got told by another guy, to tell other guys not to do this. So fighting security and giving them a hard time is not the way to do it, if anything write a letter of your issues to someone that is a step or two up. Otherwise you're just making someones job harder.

This isnt an issue of trying to reach over walls. It would be foolish for anyone to think that they'd be in the right if they got caught for taking over the wall photos & don't deserve to be in any kind of trouble. I have said in my previous posts, that according to the rules/policies & guest services, you can take any picture you want from any guest areas, as long as your not doing anything unsafe or would endanger other guests to get said pics, such as standing on/climbing on or over walls, barricades, guard rails, or going into employees only or construction workers only areas etc or trying to get over the wall shots. So if your doing any of the above & get caught by security, than yes they'd have every right to ask you to leave & I would not have any sympathy for that person, as this should be common sense.

But if you are following the rules to take construction pictures & not doing any of the above & security asks you to stop/leave/delete photos etc, than there's a problem.

So again, this is not an issue of over the wall/through wall gaps pics, its an issue of just taking regular pics from guest areas & security saying you cant do that.
Don't try to reach over the wall, and you probably won't have a problem. If you are going to fight security about it, you're just making yours and the security guards day worse. The security guard is a guy, who got told by another guy, to tell other guys not to do this. So fighting security and giving them a hard time is not the way to do it, if anything write a letter of your issues to someone that is a step or two up. Otherwise you're just making someones job harder.

This. That security guard really doesn't care if you take those pictures. However, he's getting payed to do so. Everybody's lives are easier if you just say "okay," delete the picture, and come back some other time...
This. That security guard really doesn't care if you take those pictures. However, he's getting payed to do so. Everybody's lives are easier if you just say "okay," delete the picture, and come back some other time...

Yes, thats what Im saying. If you take an over the wall pic & get caught, & they ask you to delete it, than delete it, dont fight with them about it.

But if your just taking a regular picture & not doing anything wrong, than there's no reason for ANYONE to tell you to stop or delete photos.