The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 876 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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So, how is attendance of the WW these days? Does anyone have a sense of how many are new visitors visiting their mecca? Too, are products selling like they were back in 2010? Just trying to get a sense of things.
I still got the impression this year that there were a decent number of first-timers (this was late peak season at the end of August). Obviously though having said that, the ratio is heavily in favour of returning guests which speaks volumes about how successful it is :cheers: Merch is still flying by any other theme park standards, but I haven't seen a half-hour queue just to pay in a while. And it's nice to be able to stand in Zonko's without that bell ringing incessantly!
There are 4 projectors per screen? Why? I would think they would have had custom lenses created just for the domes. Regardless, this is the first time I have heard of there being 4 projectors. Interesting that they only show one unit per on the master ENGINEERING PLANS.

Technically one unit. 4 lamps. It projects in quadrants. Its semantics.
I still got the impression this year that there were a decent number of first-timers (this was late peak season at the end of August). Obviously though having said that, the ratio is heavily in favour of returning guests which speaks volumes about how successful it is :cheers: Merch is still flying by any other theme park standards, but I haven't seen a half-hour queue just to pay in a while. And it's nice to be able to stand in Zonko's without that bell ringing incessantly!

Thanks for the info. Interesting that there are no longer shop queues...

Technically one unit. 4 lamps. It projects in quadrants. Its semantics.

Mercy, 4 lamps for one projector. Never heard of such a thing. I would appreciate a link that explains the why. Wiki?
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^ The longest I saw was ~5 mins in Owl Post. The biggest difference though is just actually being able to move in there (a bit!) as opposed to being stuck in a crush and unable to even reach the thing you want from the shelf if it's on the other side of the shop, which is how I'd always found it before.
Hogsmeade Station ticket/stroller structure has gone vertical:
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Sir would you like an upgrade?

Of course, but how many upgrades can one perform to the same cars... Seems like you've been upgrading for the past 3 years already...
Sir would you like an upgrade?

Of course, but how many upgrades can one perform to the same cars... Seems like you've been upgrading for the past 3 years already...

Does this sound like new, more advanced cars to anyone else? Though I have to wonder what more they could add...the pure motion is probably the best of any dark ride. Maybe an audio improvement?

I hope the refurb does something to patch up the Whomping Willow scene. It makes no sense to transition from that scene to the overcast quidditch scene.
Wasn't the possibility of adding 3D to FJ being tossed around a little while ago? I could have sworn so..

The FJ went through numerous revisions and one version was 3D but it was scrapped due to logistics. There may even be an unused or excuse me repurposed room within Hogwarts fit for glass washing... But I can assure you 3D isn't in the cards for Orlando. Osaka on the other hand is still up in the air.

The next time I do an article I'll break down scene for scene the version of the FJ that was scrapped due to cost as well as reliability concerns. To be honest though I'm almost afraid to talk about that version as many hear will shake their heads as to what the FJ could of really been. Someone just needs to remind me to do it.
The next time I do an article I'll break down scene for scene the version of the FJ that was scrapped due to cost as well as reliability concerns. To be honest though I'm almost afraid to talk about that version as many hear will shake their heads as to what the FJ could of really been. Someone just needs to remind me to do it.
Reminded reminded!
Sir would you like an upgrade?

Of course, but how many upgrades can one perform to the same cars... Seems like you've been upgrading for the past 3 years already...

Oh, so it's an upgrade to the cars and not the video. I was hoping for 4K already.

Does this sound like new, more advanced cars to anyone else?

That's an interesting thought. I think I read somewhere that the Orlando cars might be moved to one of the new FJs around the world and we'd get new cars. Though, no idea of the veracity, and if true, the timeline.

Reminded reminded!

Ditto! :lol:
Reminded also.

The scene which from HTF previous rambling I most anticipate hearing more about is the one involving the grand staircase. Can't wait to hear more about the scale of the original project.
The FJ went through numerous revisions and one version was 3D but it was scrapped due to logistics. There may even be an unused or excuse me repurposed room within Hogwarts fit for glass washing... But I can assure you 3D isn't in the cards for Orlando. Osaka on the other hand is still up in the air.

The next time I do an article I'll break down scene for scene the version of the FJ that was scrapped due to cost as well as reliability concerns. To be honest though I'm almost afraid to talk about that version as many hear will shake their heads as to what the FJ could of really been. Someone just needs to remind me to do it.

Happy with what we have, but always interested to hear what could have been.