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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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I was reading MiceChat's forums, and apparently some think that Diagon Alley is going to open at Universal in 2016 in conjunction with the rest of the Wizarding World.

I'm not sure how one can think that, but okay.
I guess im the only one that thinks that this is possible :( USH is currently in full swing of mutliple projects that i dout we all could have thought would be happening(WWOHP and DM w/SSFL, Springfield) I dont put anything past Universal Exects to cut and change attractions and shows and any moment to gear up for a brand new experiance when attending USH.
With the "inside" knowledge I have been a part of, we are not getting Diagon Alley.  Universal is touting the Wizarding World as 3 separate attractions:  Hogsmead, Hippogriff, and Forbidden Journey.  This came from the top execs themselves.

Diagrams and models I have seen also prove this.
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With the "inside" knowledge I have been a part of, we are not getting Diagon Alley.  Universal is touting the Wizarding World as 3 separate attractions:  Hogsmead, Hippogriff, and Forbidden Journey.  This came from the top execs themselves.

Diagrams and models I have seen also prove this.
I'm totally okay with this. Even though our park could definitely use some additional growth, it wouldn't be fun to have all of the same on both coasts. After all, having a "director's cut" of FJ is a pretty good tradeoff IMO. I hope they do invest in more attractions that are different from Orlando though.
With audio spillage being the norm at USH, and WWoHP having a distinct audio control environment in IOA, I wonder if our park will bet an overall audio adjustment when HP opens.  I would hate to hear Simpsons music inside the Wizarding World!!!
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Sorry guys.  I have no recollection of any Great Hall news.  From late November to today, all I have heard from multiple sources working with the project is that we are getting a carbon copy of what is currently in IOA today.  Universal is going through many, many sources to get the point across that they don't want anything to change from the original design built at IOA.  The Great Hall set in in the Forbidden Journey at the end of the ride and consists of a projection screen image with many of the characters in the scene.  Nothing more.

If someone can point out where I may have said we were getting the Great Hall set, I would love to hear it.  I slightly remember speculating that I wanted something different from Orlando in the past and I may have mentioned a Great Hall suggestion, but as of today, I don't think we are getting anything unique in Hollywood.

My only possible unique areas would be the fact that we won't need storage lockers for Dragon's Challenge because we aren't getting the ride.  What Hollywood would place there is beyond me???

I am sorry if I mislead anyone into believing we were getting anything unique for Hollywood.  Not until I saw actual layouts, models, and talking with people directly involved with the project was I confident that we are getting a carbon copy.  Did I ever think it was possible for USH to get IOA quality, no, but I have been surprised with this project because it is larger than any project which USH has ever seen in its 50 year history.

In the end, Orlando will still have more that Hollywood.
Just updated the map with a longer version of Hippogriff. Looks like I didn't get the proportions right when I layered the graphics.
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I thought The Great Hall was included in the most recent model that they showed during that meeting with the neighbors. I remember Chris saying he saw it as well.
Nope, no Great Hall. People have speculated that it was a possibility, but in terms of what's been seen or known from Universal, no Great Hall. I WOULD love it though, would be amazing and seems like such an obvious addition. Would be our version of Florida's Be Our Guest restaurant experience. Would've been amazing to dine in the huge hall and have it decorated for Christmas, have performances, and watch the enchanted ceiling.

But no, we're not getting it unfortunately :/

HOWEVER, I think I have a confirmation of something exclusive we'll have in Hollywood and NOT in Florida (anymore):

Zonkos Joke Shop.

Since Florida is gonna also have the much larger Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop as part of Diagon Alley, Universal confirmed that Zonkos will close and Honeydukes will expand into that space.

Since we won't have Diagon Alley (for the long time being), I think it's safe to say that Japan and Hollywood will have an active Zonkos Joke Shop! So....I guess that's something ;)

Also, i think it's safe to say that we'll have a much MUCH better locker system in place for Forbidden Journey that's not as awkward or troublesome like Florida's that was added last minute. That should be awesome, as I've heard horror stories about how many problems it causes.

One thing that I'm hoping for is an ever so slightly expanded Hippogriff ride. Since ours won't be a previous ride (Unicorn), I hope they'll make it ever so slightly different or longer, even if it's half a minute longer!