The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood | Page 31 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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Ha! That's so funny. I love when my "vision" turns out to be something that might become a reality. Cuz....let's be honest...that's a great idea. I know many people in Orlando are extremely disappointed they didn't get a Springfield Sign hill.
Yea, this would be really cool...  Any word on the sight lines to the tram station? I can't imagine that they would want you to look out at the tram when you're standing in the middle of hogsmeade. I need to go look at these plans again.
Yea, this would be really cool... Any word on the sight lines to the tram station? I can't imagine that they would want you to look out at the tram when you're standing in the middle of hogsmeade. I need to go look at these plans again.
You won't see any of the studio tour or trams while standing in Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade and Hogwarts are on a different elevation than the tour, which is below it. But I'm sure you WILL see the base of Hogsmeade/the Hogwarts showbuilding while standing in line for the tour, as it is right now.Besides, even if hypothetically the tour and Hogsmeade WERE on the same level/elevation, the extraordinary height of the Hogsmeade building facades would cover it anyway. I'm more worried about sitelines for the other side of Hogsmeade/Hogwarts (citywalk and Shrek) but I'm sure we won't see a hint if the outside world until we're riding Hippogriff.
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So I took a tip from Orlando United and strolled over to Whole Foods and picked this up:


It's butterscotch cream soda that's very, very obviously riveting off of the official Universal Butterbeer drink (the labeling practically screams "rip-off"), but from what I've been told this is the closest thing you can get to the drink without buying it in the park or making it yourself. I've heard the actual drink is a tad bit sweeter and a tad more sickly but overall it's pretty tasty, and I have to imagine it's mostly like. (this is coming from a person who is usually adverse to carbonated beverages)

I'm interested in seeing what Jon, Chris or anyone else who has tried the actual butterbeer thinks.
I tasted it recently as well but I found it a bit too heavy on the butterscotch in comparison to the park's version. Maybe a 1:1 ratio with IBC Cream Soda would make it extremely similar?
I find it interesting that the framing for the show building is below Hogsmeade's ground level. Does this mean that we won't need to take a ramp to an upper level on this version?
That would be preferable but I think that the dungeon queue actually goes below the other interior queue (something easily changed if they wanted to) but it would make ADA access much easier. TF in Orlando actually loads above ground level in comparison to Hollywood's so it would make sense to have an elevation change.
Lots of vertical progress today. They're establishing a basement level it seems but I have no idea what they would but down there if not dirt to stabilize the foundation.