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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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I think it will be there freak. but yea, i'm thinking same thing for Duff, just wondering if they though will redo the Luigis building and make it outside to be like Orlando or scratch it to something new.
This is the Potter thread, so keep Springfield talk in the Simpsons thread ;)

Looking at USJ's Hogsmeade, I think it's safe to say we'll get the same line up of attractions. I'm very curious what else they'll change (outside of the obvious 4k updates and small tweaks). I'm sure they'll figure out the locker situation a bit better this time.

For those who have been on FJ in Florida, what would you like to see tweaked?
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This is the Potter thread, so keep Springfield talk in the Simpsons thread ;)

Looking at USJ's Hogsmeade, I think it's safe to say we'll get the same line up of attractions. I'm very curious what else they'll change (outside of the obvious 4k updates and small tweaks). I'm sure they'll figure out the locker situation a bit better this time.

For those who have been on FJ in Florida, what would you like to see tweaked?
Other than the locker room the only change I would like to see is really just a cosmetic thing, a more "complete" Hogwarts castle facade.
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Really? So no Luigi's? Will we at least get Frying Dutchman?
One last Simpsons note: just because an Italian restaurant is being transformed into a bar doesn't mean we won't see Luigi's at all. Universal is known for repurposing and relocating.Anyway, yes, I would expect USJ's shop line-up and a new 4K upgrade. I'd also be excited to see a better locker situation and a larger/fuller façade. This is our chance to further perfect what Florida just barely missed. Though it may be exciting to be the first park to receive such a groundbreaking theme park addition, it certainly pays off to be (one of) the last.
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I think it'd be brilliant advertising to start teasing The Wizarding World on the WWOHP construction walls RIGHT NOW.

And in the spot where the entrance will eventually be, they should put up a rendering of what Hogsmeade and Hogwarts will look like from the entrance. It'd be brilliant IMO.
I think it'd be brilliant advertising to start teasing The Wizarding World on the WWOHP construction walls RIGHT NOW.

And in the spot where the entrance will eventually be, they should put up a rendering of what Hogsmeade and Hogwarts will look like from the entrance. It'd be brilliant IMO.
Too early.  You don't want people putting off visiting the park until 2016 especially since they are opening three new attractions next year.

If I were them, I would put up posters and advertisements for Springfield, Night Tours, and Supercharged around the park now.

I think late Summer 2015 is when we will start to see the marketing push for WWOHP.  This is probably the time when we will see the restructuring of the Annual Pass program and what better way to start selling higher priced APs than to advertise WWOHP.

Hell, the castle facade really should be all the advertisement needed around the park.
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^ I don't really see how that makes a lot of sense.

#1 if they see one "point of view" preview shot in the place where the future entrance will be, how will that make visitors put off visiting the park till 2016? They're already IN the park as a one day tourist or already paid for an annual pass for this year.

#2 Universal cast members have been telling guests daily that The Wizarding World is being constructed and point it out. They also have been giving out surveys regarding the wizarding world for a while. A poster showing a "glimpse into the future" from what that specific viewpoint will look like wouldn't hurt.

#3 The info is readily available online. Universal just made a big announcement that it's coming in 2016. If they didn't want people knowing or "holding off", they wouldn't have said anything.

I do agree that they should make posters advertising the new attractions coming next year. As a guest, I'd forgive construction wall mania if I saw a preview of the amazing things to come. Disney always does a great job with this. It's good to tease and wet fan's appetite.
^1. Yes, they are in the park, but they are less likely to return in 2015. Instead, they hold out until 2016 if they see posters advertising a 2016 opening for WWOHP.  

IOA is a great example of this exact scenario. IOAs numbers were flat and showing signs of declines the two years leading up to the opening of WWOHP. It was the opinion of many experts in the industry that people were delaying visits until WWOHP opened.  There's a reason why Universal built Minion Mayhem and Transformers in a two year span at USF.  It was to avoid a repeat of what happened at IOA. 

2. Universal TMs telling guests what they are building when asked or making a brief announcement on the Studio Tour is very different than having posters and billboards in the park telling guests. Just stand at the exit of the Studio Tour and listen,  despite the brief announcement on the Studio Tour, most people don't have a clue what they are building. 

3.  Yep, your right. The info has been online for 3+ years. However, your average guest is not going to be actively looking online for what Universal is building nor will they care to read a long press release telling them exactly what's happening. 
Yeah, but considering Universal is opening Springfield, F&F, and Night Tours NEXT YEAR, plus Transformers and Minion Mayhem being relatively new, guests, especially with an annual pass, have quite a few reasons to return next year instead of waiting for 2016. Orlando and Hollywood are different animals.
I'm not sure how Transformers' construction timeline played out, but Minion Mayhem didn't get themed/advertised walls until a few months before opening.

The walls around Springfield's footprint feature Simpsons characters, which may not just an attempt at temporary theming; it could also be a hint to park guests. Probably just wishful thinking, but I guess everyone would view it differently.
I think the point is to prevent any type of guest, whether local or not, not to skip 2015. All of the attractions in 2015 don't really hold up compared to a big slugger like Potter. From my time working there, I would talk to plenty of guests who pick and choose their theme park destination and I just know they would put off 2015 in lieu of coming in 2016 for Potter. USH will definitely rev up the promotions for Potter next summer, not this summer. 

I'm not sure how Transformers' construction timeline played out, but Minion Mayhem didn't get themed/advertised walls until a few months before opening.
Transformers had a themed construction wall put up mere days after the original SES and Backdraft were shuttered, however at time (2010), this was the only new thing coming to the park in the future.
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IOA had a bunch of themed Proclamations posted all around the construction site advertising Potter back in '08/'09, but I'm not sure if those were put up directly after walls went up.

In my opinion, they should hold off on advertising our Wizarding World until after all 3 attractions (F&F, Springfield, Night Tours) debut next year. USH is beginning to appeal not only to return visitors, but lots of new tourists as well, and many will skip 2015 altogether if they have any desire to experience Potter.
Yeah... Minion Mayhem was advertised just months before it opened... it didn't even show in in the map until January...
Yeah... Minion Mayhem was advertised just months before it opened... it didn't even show in in the map until January...
Well that's reasonable. I'm actually a bit surprised they added art for Minion Mayhem on the map before it even opened. Had they added it to the map any earlier, they would've received a lot of questions from guests asking why the ride pictured on the map isn't open yet.
I'm not suggesting heavily advertising Potter right now. I'm just saying it'd be neat to have a rendered poster of what Hogsmeade and Hogwarts will look like from the angle of where the future entrance will be like AT the future entrance. That's all.