The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood | Page 38 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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There's an issue here: some of the space outlined in that photo is a construction zone right now. Supercharged is taking up a lot more space than The Mummy's Tomb, and there also needs to be enough room on the side for trams to pass through in the event of a technical difficulty. In addition, that space is just way too small in general. I'd consider ourselves insanely lucky if they managed to even squeeze the Gringotts show-building alone in that slot.

Not my intention to oppose any and all ideas related to Diagon, but these plans just don't add up. It wouldn't surprise me if this expansion crossed UC's drawing boards, but USH doesn't need everything UOR has.
What disturbs me is reading that Universal has this “If Potter is successful” attitude. If it’s successful? They need to be preparing for crowd-ageddon. I was up there a couple of days during spring break and the upper lot was so crowded it was difficult to move around. All I could think was, “These crowds are nothing compared to what’s coming once Potter opens.” How is this little park going to cope with something as hugely popular as Wizarding World?

I know they’re making changes to the infrastructure, but from my admittedly limited perspective, they don’t look even close to adequate.

And their annual pass… It’s so cheap. Disney just raised their Premium Annual Pass to $700.00! And they discontinued their discount So Cal pass. They’re pricing a lot of families out of Disneyland. And once Wizarding World opens, Universal is going to be a viable alternative to Disneyland, especially with those cheap annual passes.

I sure hope I don’t wake up one day and find Universal Hollywood has a $700.00 annual pass, but they better do something or they’re going to be simply overrun.
What disturbs me is reading that Universal has this “If Potter is successful” attitude. If it’s successful? They need to be preparing for crowd-ageddon. I was up there a couple of days during spring break and the upper lot was so crowded it was difficult to move around. All I could think was, “These crowds are nothing compared to what’s coming once Potter opens.” How is this little park going to cope with something as hugely popular as Wizarding World?

I know they’re making changes to the infrastructure, but from my admittedly limited perspective, they don’t look even close to adequate.

And their annual pass… It’s so cheap. Disney just raised their Premium Annual Pass to $700.00! And they discontinued their discount So Cal pass. They’re pricing a lot of families out of Disneyland. And once Wizarding World opens, Universal is going to be a viable alternative to Disneyland, especially with those cheap annual passes.

I sure hope I don’t wake up one day and find Universal Hollywood has a $700.00 annual pass, but they better do something or they’re going to be simply overrun.
USH always eventually tries to price match Disney.. But they're not crazy... And hope they never be.
Universal is 100% changing the annual pass pricing and options once Potter opens or right before. Some of us took a survey that showed us options for "possible" future annual pass and ticket options, and they are considering bumping the AP price to the stratosphere. So no more Buy a Day passes or other dirt cheap options.

WWOHP is 100% gonna be successful here in Hollywood. No "ifs" like AlexShow is's 100% gonna be successful. WILDLY successful. It's highly anticipated, a huge worldwide fanbase, fans in California will absolutely go bonkers over it and thank the lord that they don't have to visit Orlando just to get their Potter fill, and in general with all the additions and transformation that USH is planning or building, it's 100% gonna be successful.

I don't see us getting Diagon Alley. I just don't. I'm a huge Potter fan. Having Gringotts close to home would be amazing. But the logistics of it aren't lined up. And I just don't wanna see the biggest possible "expansion" pad closest to the theme park (Falls Lake) be used up for more Potter.
There is absolutely no need to have the Hogwarts express to have Diagon Alley since, one, Diagon Alley and Hogwarts are not connected whatsoever even less by the Howgwarts express; and, two, you would only need The Leaky Cauldron to get into Diagon Alley for purists that somehow still say that JK won't allow this or that when the layout for the connection between Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade in UOR is dubious at best since King Cross Station is nowhere close to The Leaky Cauldron (by the way, for those still calling foul with the supposed "liberties" that JK won't allow... how is people from Universal Studios Orlando going to access Diagon Alley?) Anyways, I think that these "flaws", are nothing but. If they want Diagon Alley, they will build it, even with no Hogwarts Express. Universal has taken some liberties with Potter and the world is still turning and JK hasn't burnt the parks to the ground...
The Hogwarts Express is so important to the stories and is HALF the experience that they're building in Orlando right now. You can't build Diagon Alley without the Hogwarts Express, especially since the only place Diagon Alley would "fit" is in Falls Lake. No way in hell would it fit where WaterWorld is...even Waterworld PLUS Shrek wouldn't be enough space.

What you're suggesting doesn't make sense. You have to have the Hogwarts Express. And you're basically suggesting that Universal make cutbacks to the London expansion if it hypothetically comes here. Do it right or don't do it at all...

But again, I don't want it here.

Diagon Alley has ONE ride. The expansion/land needs two at least IMO, which Hogwarts Express adds.
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Still don't understand why they couldn't build Diagon Alley without Hogwars Express.They are not connected in the books or in the movies. Hogwarts Express it's not a sine qua non to Diagon Alley.
On an unrelated note. I call first POV on Hippogriff! That is, if TPR/ITM/ etc. Isn't there on press day, or I get in which will never happen.
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Still don't understand why they couldn't build Diagon Alley without Hogwars Express.They are not connected in the books or in the movies. Hogwarts Express it's not a sine qua non to Diagon Alley.
Excuse the following Potterhead-fueled rant.

When bringing a fictional land to fruition in a theme park, there are obviously going to be some adjustments made to stay realistic. For example, Hogwarts Castle is not located directly in front of Hogsmeade Village as depicted in Japan and Florida. In the books and films, on the other hand, it is located in the heart of a mountainous area of Scotland surrounded by a massive lake. Minor things like the geographic obstacles I just mentioned can be eliminated because they don't affect the story drastically. Not including the Hogwarts Express with Diagon Alley, however, would be. With Hogsmeade located in Scotland and Diagon Alley located in London, it would make zero sense to be able to travel from one location to the other in mere seconds at USH when the real destinations are situated on opposite ends of the United Kingdom. The Hogwarts Express not only acts as a buffer between the two, but an insanely immersive form of transportation; enough to list it as another attraction.

To put it briefly, introducing one without the other would be a big mistake on UC's part.
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Excuse the following Potterhead-fueled rant.

When bringing a fictional land to fruition in a theme park, there are obviously going to be some adjustments made to stay realistic. For example, Hogwarts Castle is not located directly in front of Hogsmeade Village as depicted in Japan and Florida. In the books and films, on the other hand, it is located in the heart of a mountainous area of Scotland surrounded by a massive lake. Minor things like the geographic obstacles I just mentioned can be eliminated because they don't affect the story drastically. Not including the Hogwarts Express with Diagon Alley, however, would be. With Hogsmeade located in Scotland and Diagon Alley located in London, it would make zero sense to be able to travel from one location to the other in mere seconds at USH when the real destinations are situated on opposite ends of the United Kingdom. The Hogwarts Express not only acts as a buffer between the two, but an insanely immersive form of transportation; enough to list it as another attraction.

To put it briefly, introducing one without the other would be a big mistake on UC's part.
This was beautiful.
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Excuse the following Potterhead-fueled rant.

When bringing a fictional land to fruition in a theme park, there are obviously going to be some adjustments made to stay realistic. For example, Hogwarts Castle is not located directly in front of Hogsmeade Village as depicted in Japan and Florida. In the books and films, on the other hand, it is located in the heart of a mountainous area of Scotland surrounded by a massive lake. Minor things like the geographic obstacles I just mentioned can be eliminated because they don't affect the story drastically. Not including the Hogwarts Express with Diagon Alley, however, would be. With Hogsmeade located in Scotland and Diagon Alley located in London, it would make zero sense to be able to travel from one location to the other in mere seconds at USH when the real destinations are situated on opposite ends of the United Kingdom. The Hogwarts Express not only acts as a buffer between the two, but an insanely immersive form of transportation; enough to list it as another attraction.

To put it briefly, introducing one without the other would be a big mistake on UC's part.
Still don't understand how you make the connection between Diagon Alley and the Hogwarts Express as being essential--- if the "mere minutes" thing bothers you, make the guests walk 15 mins. Once again not having Hogwarts Express doesn't change the story in any way since there are ways to go to Hogwarts without setting foot into the Hogwarts Express, many which were depicted in the books and in the movies. The experience of going to Diagon Alley doesn't require the Hogwarts Express at all... Diagon Alley has been visited and represented in the books and movies without even bothering to show the station. If I am not mistaken (if I am, I'm sorry I read book 7 like 5 years ago) the station is not mentioned until the prologue. Don't see the problem of not having the train. When WWoHP opened there wasn't any transition or flight on dragon or in a car or whatever to make you "believe" you were going to Hogwarts not to alter the story. 

One final point, it doesn't bother you then that people not park hopping in USO can get in Diagon Alley without riding the train? Still don't understand why it would be have the train to have Diagon Alley.

Anyways, as mentioned by the internal source, if WWoHP is successful, we will get a Potter expansion, most likely Diagon Alley, regardless.
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