The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood | Page 40 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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Well considering the price we have here and the attraction count, I think here it makes sense,I would say even mandatory.
I would love to see Grinngotts come to USH. However, having a full blown Diagon Ally seems like an over saturation of retail for a single franchise. Doubling the amount of Harry Potter gift shops does not necessarily mean they will sell twice as much Harry Potter merchandise.
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If anything, I'd rather get an entire Skull Island land instead of Diagon Alley.

Also, if Diagon Alley came here, you'd have two Potter lands in ONE park. Then all Potter geeks will prefer to go to USH, as it would be cheaper than UOR's two park Potter configuration. Don't forget that. That park to park ticket is one of the biggest reasons UOR is happy to build it in Orlando.
A Potter fan from the east coast or Europe is not going to skip Orlando in favor of Hollywood because they have to buy a Park-to-Park ticket.  Factor in air fare, the price of a multi day P2P ticket is nothing.

Again, USH and USO share very little cross over visitors. Hell I'd argue that most guest that visit Orlando have no clue that Hollywood has a Universal park
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^ oh, no, I know :) my comment was just in response to someone's idea. I'm well aware that the cross over visitors are a rare breed.

Really tired talkin' about Diagon Alley coming to Hollywood haha. Not gonna respond to those theories anymore lol. Just goin' in circles.

So, do you think our Ollivander's is gonna be an expanded/larger version?

Also, gonna be cool to have Zonkos now that Orlando doesn't have it :p
Great question, Allen!!!!
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Yep. Japan's layout suggests this (considering Ollivanders being moved from the right side of Hogsmeade to the left), so I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood follows those footsteps. Whether it means more than one showroom, a covered queue, or both, I'm all for it.
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I think Creative would just be dumb to not hide it. Just to not Piss Rowling off so I feel that maybe a New entrance will be made which is a Forest outside and you have a small rock wall and it'd be for the hallway, themed. But; you might not know but Universal needs to fix it and making a rock wall around and a outdoor forest line might work.
I don't think Rowling could give 2 you-know-whats about the rest of the theme park as long as Potter looks presentable. That's certainly not to say that Shrek doesn't need a new entrance (it really does look atrocious right now), but she doesn't really have a say in what the rest of the park looks like.
Not necessarily. When Potter first opened in IOA, it was an extremely blunt transition between Lost Continent and Jurassic Park. It wouldn't make sense for her to say what happens to an attraction based on a DreamWorks film from over 10 years ago. She's in charge of the immersion within the area, not its surroundings.