I visited Thorpe Park two and a half years ago. I liked it. The UK really could use a world class coaster. I'm sure once the rumor broke out that Thorpe was getting a hyper that's taller than Big One (Which was unfortunately VERY rough when I rode it), I could already hear the rejoicing of many UK coaster enthusiasts.
Before the announcement, I figured it would be a B&M hyper as the best case scenario. But no, they go the extra mile and make this a Mack hyper! Now granted, it could be an Intamin or even an S&S, but the noise testing using a "certain coaster in Turkey" seemed to be a big giveaway that it would be a Mack. Not only the Brits getting a good hyper, they're getting probably one of the best hyper coasters on the planet...if not ever. I'm getting Steel Curtain vibes but with an Intamin twist vibes. Actually, come to think of it, the inversions do feel kinda Intamin-ish. But good for England getting such an awesome coaster that makes me really excited.
This may have big implications for the industry moving forward. While I don't see many domestic parks ordering a bunch of Mack hypers, I really hope this will show B&M and other manufacturers that it's okay to have some inversions or even more creative elements for their hypers.
Man, with this and the new London Resort park opening, I'm gonna have to make another trip to the UK. Loved visiting that lovely country. Merlin has been getting a little too comfortable with their theme park monopoly they have going on so I'm glad that London resort is giving them some much-needed competition.