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Triplets of Terror (HHN 33)

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One of the reasons I'm so excited for this house? It's giving major Psychoscareapy vibes, specifically Home for the Holidays. For those who don't know, it was a house in 2007 that had a very similar concept: Slashers (in that case escaped asylum convicts) going through a beautiful suburban neighborhood during the holidays.
I'm offended for PsychoScareapy by you even implying this is the same. The original house was a generic asylum house in 2003 that had an amazing cast & the infamous :poop: scent.

As for the 2007 house. They weren't "convicts" or "slashers", they were just insane. They crashed the van in the nearby Shadybrook neighborhood & wreaked holiday havoc. They weren't criminals/killers, just psychotically deranged.

Everything I've read has said it was a fantastic house
...ah this explains a lot. I'm going to take a stab & guess you've missed out on all of Scareapy's iterations?

Home for the Holidays was unique. It wasn't the best ( hard sell after 2006's version), but it was more "fun" than scary. Always felt it should've been the NY SZ instead of a house (which ironically happened but with a Halloween/Harvest festival theme)

As for Triplets of Terror... its an underwhelming concept. They should've saved Monstrous for Friday to act as a palette cleanser
Home for the Holidays was unique. It wasn't the best ( hard sell after 2006's version), but it was more "fun" than scary. Always felt it should've been the NY SZ instead of a house (which ironically happened but with a Halloween/Harvest festival theme)

The sets were amazing in that house. Imagine walking through a very detailed neighborhood during Christmas with snow. It definitely set a higher standard for that type of environment in a house for me.
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Barmy is a British term. Any chance this is set in the UK?
I would love if the setting was UK and the Triplets were all talkative and super polite/proper. “Sir, please stop getting your blood on my clothes and just die quietly.”

I basically just want them to be oozing personality.
As for Triplets of Terror... it’s an underwhelming concept. They should've saved Monstrous for Friday to act as a palette cleanser
I feel like Major Sweets should have been last as it was an established character and not a Hollywood port, but however I look at it, I definitely would not have announced this house last.
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I'm offended for PsychoScareapy by you even implying this is the same. The original house was a generic asylum house in 2003 that had an amazing cast & the infamous :poop: scent.

As for the 2007 house. They weren't "convicts" or "slashers", they were just insane. They crashed the van in the nearby Shadybrook neighborhood & wreaked holiday havoc. They weren't criminals/killers, just psychotically deranged.

...ah this explains a lot. I'm going to take a stab & guess you've missed out on all of Scareapy's iterations?

Home for the Holidays was unique. It wasn't the best ( hard sell after 2006's version), but it was more "fun" than scary. Always felt it should've been the NY SZ instead of a house (which ironically happened but with a Halloween/Harvest festival theme)

As for Triplets of Terror... its an underwhelming concept. They should've saved Monstrous for Friday to act as a palette cleanser
The only Psychoscareapy I've gotten to experience has been the Unleashed zone from 25 (which was incredible and still in my top 5 all-time zones), and yeah I'll fully admit that is probably the main reason I'm so excited for this- It's giving Psychoscareapy vibes.

I’ve been told this does take place in a British township, bur we’ll see if that is confirmed in the full excerpts.
Interesting. Maybe British Shadybrook? We have Carae, France already, we still need Shadybrook's EU twin!
The Residence has been my favorite house at HoS Tampa the past few years (and one I wouldn’t mind get repeated one more time), so if this gives off similar vibes, I’ll be happy.
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I’ve been told this does take place in a British township, bur we’ll see if that is confirmed in the full excerpts.
Are these teasers from the tribute store related to this house? I've heard people saying this house uses elements from the scrapped FNAF house. Featuring scenes at a Chuck E Cheese esque location in scenes could be a great proof of concept for the future.


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  • Angry
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Are these teasers from the tribute store related to this house? I've heard people saying this house uses elements from the scrapped FNAF house. Featuring scenes at a Chuck E Cheese esque location in scenes could be a great proof of concept for the future.
I hope not…
Why not? Could be a cool setting for a couple scenes.

Think he just meant he hopes it isn’t pulling from a scrapped house. But, it doesn’t look like this house is the fill in for any scrapped IP, at least not one that was lost late in the game. Per Brian:

From my understanding - this was not a last-minute replacement.
Why not? Could be a cool setting for a couple scenes.

Think he just meant he hopes it isn’t pulling from a scrapped house. But, it doesn’t look like this house is the fill in for any scrapped IP, at least not one that was lost late in the game. Per Brian:
Exactly as @johnathanm said. If sets are FNAF at all awesome but I want it to be FNAF and not an original if so.
Man, I know I keep bringing it up, but it's still practically every take I've seen from everywhere since yesterday so I feel like it's okay to comment on it. I think people are dunking on this house way too hard, way prematurely. There have been so few stinker houses at recent HHN in my opinion that to be purposefully uncharitable regarding the few details we know or to immediately write this off as the worst thing ever because of a poor blurb and thumbnail, and the idea that it isn't Fear or The Director or something just seems silly to me.

We've had recent houses with way higher concepts to get across than kids recreating their parents' kills (Decendants of Destruction, The Darkest Deal). Some wonderful houses from HHN's history have been slashers (Halloween: Hell Comes to Haddonfield, The Black Phone, Leave it to Cleaver). Solid execution can turn a silly or simple idea into a banger house. (Legacy's examples of Catacombs and Screamhouse from above, Graveyard Games, Blood Moon: Dark Offering).

It's just so incredibly weird how hyped and excited the community had been through the whole week, practically begging for Friday's announcement the night before; only for one reveal to leave this much of a stink. I think an original slasher house, especially one working with new named characters, could give the HHN team the chance to build up something truly special or interesting that they couldn't pull off with the IP restrictions that The Strangers, TCM, or Halloween would entail. The team has a chance to create another Meety Meats or Dogs of War here.

I don't wanna build it up too much, but I resolutely refuse to write this house off as "last minute knock-off IP replacement house" when we have no reason to believe that's the case other than the fanbase wanting FNaF or NoES or an Icon instead and creating rationalizations to deal with that. We'll see how it goes in August, but after seeing how Blood Moon turned out which I was pretty down on originally too, I'll give the HHN team room to cook with this one.

To stress "the team" didn't make Dogs of War, the actors did. The house was a copy of the underwhelming Spawning house with a meh premise. The scare-actors fully committed no matter and gave us a remarkable house. Hopefully ToT's cast can do the same.

From my understanding - this was not a last-minute replacement.

Obviously I don't doubt you but ... not all replacements are last-minute? A prominent location where you'd expect a lead IP, rumors on Reddit Universal reached out to the 5N@F creator but couldn't make it work, a somewhat generic idea combined with the birthday theme--I think we can be forgiven for thinking maybe last November this was still slated to be something else. Not something anyone at Universal is going to want to leak but the clues are there.

One of the reasons I'm so excited for this house? It's giving major Psychoscareapy vibes, specifically Home for the Holidays. For those who don't know, it was a house in 2007 that had a very similar concept: Slashers (in that case escaped asylum convicts) going through a beautiful suburban neighborhood during the holidays.

Everything I've read has said it was a fantastic house, and I've seen it still make the top 20 of all time in many HHN vet rankings. This concept has been done before to great success!

And considering Legacy implied on the Discord that this will not only be our DMP/Blood Moon-type house (beautiful and more open sets), but also extremely bloody and gory, plus the potential behind three original slashers being introduced in HHN? As mentioned before, this could easily become a new Bloodengutz/Cleaver. The fact that so many people are hating on the house (before we've even seen it!) because of the graphic alone, when HHN has been well known for never having the best graphic design, is absolutely insane.

TL;DR- Making the same point GA-AMBIT made, I think this house could very easily be our sleeper hit, and potentially even a GOAT based on history. Personally, this and Sinema 2 are almost tied for my most anticipated (Sinema 2 edges it out as the original is one of my all-time faves). In the words of the meme I'm sure we've all heard by now: Let Universal cook.

It was an amazing house--could make a strong case as the first "dark comedy" house. I don't see ToT having a comedy vibe, with arguably three other houses vying for that title. But without the unexpected comedy element, PS:HftH would've felt pretty generic and hackneyed, which seems to be the consensus fear for ToT.

But as a I said earlier, fans always prefer the high-concept houses, because they're unique. I've been surprised by houses before. I truly hope this one exceeds my expectations. But social media team probably should've led with this one, let that first announcement hype buoy it.
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Kinda funny they used the name Gregory, considering that’s one of literally only 9 named human characters in FNAF. Doesn’t mean anything, but kinda funny
Are these teasers from the tribute store related to this house? I've heard people saying this house uses elements from the scrapped FNAF house. Featuring scenes at a Chuck E Cheese esque location in scenes could be a great proof of concept for the future.
Obviously I don't doubt you but ... not all replacements are last-minute? A prominent location where you'd expect a lead IP, rumors on Reddit Universal reached out to the 5N@F creator but couldn't make it work, a somewhat generic idea combined with the birthday theme--I think we can be forgiven for thinking maybe last November this was still slated to be something else. Not something anyone at Universal is going to want to leak but the clues are there.

That’s assuming the rumored IP was slated for the SS. Haha. Either way, I’m not faulting anyone at all. Just merely pointing out the situation.
I think this might be a good way of putting it:

Is it possible that in another timeline, where FNaF made it past negotiations and was coming to the event, we would be getting it instead of this? Probably, yeah.

But it's been made clear that FNaF never fully came through, presumably due to creative differences with Scott (which would track), and so they opted to instead go with Triplets. 'Last-minute' in terms of planning out the event? Possibly. Last-minute in the sense of being a last-minute house (Purge, Hive, Us, Hellblock, etc.)? Very likely no.
To stress "the team" didn't make Dogs of War, the actors did. The house was a copy of the underwhelming Spawning house with a meh premise. The scare-actors fully committed no matter and gave us a remarkable house. Hopefully ToT's cast can do the same.
And here is where it gets interesting: the casts of Catacombs and Havoc were very close in 2010. We shared break space and our schedules aligned so we interacted a lot.

Both casts walked in knowing the fans did not care about our houses. Hades and Legendary Truth were getting ALL the hype heading into the event, both our cast took that personally. So, we made a pact, we would do whatever we could to get HOTY in a sprung.

The cast ALWAYS makes the house.
And here is where it gets interesting: the casts of Catacombs and Havoc were very close in 2010. We shared break space and our schedules aligned so we interacted a lot.

Both casts walked in knowing the fans did not care about our houses. Hades and Legendary Truth were getting ALL the hype heading into the event, both our cast took that personally. So, we made a pact, we would do whatever we could to get HOTY in a sprung.

The cast ALWAYS makes the house.
Agreed wholeheartedly. This could be really fun and a sleeper hit, especially as the cast are likely unable to hide behind masks and elaborate costumes like in other houses. I do hope they go all out on British humour/stereotypes/imagery as will make it pretty unique (and I say this as a British guy!)