Easily the most anticipated land for me, and possibly the most hyped I've ever been for any attraction period with Monsters Unchained. I love Forbidden Journey already, and this essentially looking to be a darker, more intense and more immersive version with the Classic Monsters is a blue sky dream come true. My biggest difficulty now is figuring out whether to zoom to Unchained at opening, or wait till night for the right atmosphere/mood.
Here I am wondering that if this is the modern day... How exactly are Phantom and Quasi still alive? Those two should be long gone in the catacombs with their victims by this point in time.
THIS! So much potential for random small events caused by Invisible Man around the land and in rides. Very much hoping they use the same voice actor from Unmasked, who perfectly captured the silliness of Griffin. Although it does once again raise the question (assuming it's Griffin Invisible Man) of how exactly he's still alive after all this time.
As someone who was very much hoping for a Wolfman show... may I ask why we'd wish we hadn't seen it?