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Dark Universe (Epic Universe)

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I’m imagining a simple effect where a motion tracker triggers a nearby object to move and a speaker.

“Psst, over here.”
If he does stuff like this, the voice lines better capture his personality. I think my favorite part about him is how much he clearly loves being an old-timey, moustache twirling villain. It's a fun dynamic that some of the UCM are the spirits of ancient pharoahs, inhuman creatures, or amalgamations of several dead men and women molded into re-animated husks. The Invisible Man is just some eccentric dude who drank "Mean Juice" and is now having a gay old time wreaking havoc.

He better be saying stuff like this as the prop bicycles and drinkware get thrown around window sets and all! He literally pushes a baby carriage to the ground in this scene, he's basically just a cartoon bully among actual monsters and I love that!

My understanding is that the UCM lineup for the dark ride might be more limited than we probably would hope. If Bride doesn't make the cut, I have low expectations for anyone in the HHN "Monsters Unmasked"-tier. Phantom, Hunch, Invisible Man. For the record, if all the Invisible Man got to do in the attraction was make a quick cameo, and hopefully taunt the ride car or something for a second, that'd be a win in my book. I'm not asking for much here haha!
If he does stuff like this, the voice lines better capture his personality. I think my favorite part about him is how much he clearly loves being an old-timey, moustache twirling villain. It's a fun dynamic that some of the UCM are the spirits of ancient pharoahs, inhuman creatures, or amalgamations of several dead men and women molded into re-animated husks. The Invisible Man is just some eccentric dude who drank "Mean Juice" and is now having a gay old time wreaking havoc.

He better be saying stuff like this as the prop bicycles and drinkware get thrown around window sets and all! He literally pushes a baby carriage to the ground in this scene, he's basically just a cartoon bully among actual monsters and I love that!

My understanding is that the UCM lineup for the dark ride might be more limited than we probably would hope. If Bride doesn't make the cut, I have low expectations for anyone in the HHN "Monsters Unmasked"-tier. Phantom, Hunch, Invisible Man. For the record, if all the Invisible Man got to do in the attraction was make a quick cameo, and hopefully taunt the ride car or something for a second, that'd be a win in my book. I'm not asking for much here haha!

Tbf it's rumored that Hunch and Phantom are there on the ride.

Invisible Man has such a fun personality, I was hoping he'd be on there. But as long as we can get some of that Claude Rains goodness somewhere in the land, I guess I can't be too mad.
Easily the most anticipated land for me, and possibly the most hyped I've ever been for any attraction period with Monsters Unchained. I love Forbidden Journey already, and this essentially looking to be a darker, more intense and more immersive version with the Classic Monsters is a blue sky dream come true. My biggest difficulty now is figuring out whether to zoom to Unchained at opening, or wait till night for the right atmosphere/mood.

I guess, but at the same time, the Phantom of the Opera and the Hunchback of Notre Dame are apparently in the ride, and they would seem to be about on par with the Invisible Man in terms of what they could contribute to the attraction.
Here I am wondering that if this is the modern day... How exactly are Phantom and Quasi still alive? Those two should be long gone in the catacombs with their victims by this point in time. :lmao:

If he does stuff like this, the voice lines better capture his personality. I think my favorite part about him is how much he clearly loves being an old-timey, moustache twirling villain. It's a fun dynamic that some of the UCM are the spirits of ancient pharoahs, inhuman creatures, or amalgamations of several dead men and women molded into re-animated husks. The Invisible Man is just some eccentric dude who drank "Mean Juice" and is now having a gay old time wreaking havoc.

He better be saying stuff like this as the prop bicycles and drinkware get thrown around window sets and all! He literally pushes a baby carriage to the ground in this scene, he's basically just a cartoon bully among actual monsters and I love that!

My understanding is that the UCM lineup for the dark ride might be more limited than we probably would hope. If Bride doesn't make the cut, I have low expectations for anyone in the HHN "Monsters Unmasked"-tier. Phantom, Hunch, Invisible Man. For the record, if all the Invisible Man got to do in the attraction was make a quick cameo, and hopefully taunt the ride car or something for a second, that'd be a win in my book. I'm not asking for much here haha!

THIS! So much potential for random small events caused by Invisible Man around the land and in rides. Very much hoping they use the same voice actor from Unmasked, who perfectly captured the silliness of Griffin. Although it does once again raise the question (assuming it's Griffin Invisible Man) of how exactly he's still alive after all this time.

Correct! It's a diverse offering amongst a diverse lineup of attractions. Yes, it's short... Have we not followed the aerials? lol

Trust me, you wouldn't. :lol:
As someone who was very much hoping for a Wolfman show... may I ask why we'd wish we hadn't seen it?
Easily the most anticipated land for me, and possibly the most hyped I've ever been for any attraction period with Monsters Unchained. I love Forbidden Journey already, and this essentially looking to be a darker, more intense and more immersive version with the Classic Monsters is a blue sky dream come true. My biggest difficulty now is figuring out whether to zoom to Unchained at opening, or wait till night for the right atmosphere/mood.
I think I’m going to start at Nintendo and work counterclockwise. Save the two huge rides for last.
Easily the most anticipated land for me, and possibly the most hyped I've ever been for any attraction period with Monsters Unchained. I love Forbidden Journey already, and this essentially looking to be a darker, more intense and more immersive version with the Classic Monsters is a blue sky dream come true. My biggest difficulty now is figuring out whether to zoom to Unchained at opening, or wait till night for the right atmosphere/mood.

Here I am wondering that if this is the modern day... How exactly are Phantom and Quasi still alive? Those two should be long gone in the catacombs with their victims by this point in time. :lmao:

THIS! So much potential for random small events caused by Invisible Man around the land and in rides. Very much hoping they use the same voice actor from Unmasked, who perfectly captured the silliness of Griffin. Although it does once again raise the question (assuming it's Griffin Invisible Man) of how exactly he's still alive after all this time.

As someone who was very much hoping for a Wolfman show... may I ask why we'd wish we hadn't seen it?
Well, it wouldn’t have been a Wolfman show.

Sadly, can’t share much else.
A bit late, but I find it hilariously ironic that there’s a Wolfman roller coaster in this land when my own idea for a fanmade Universal park had that exact same concept. Makes me wonder if the designers at Epic Universe took inspiration from the Big Bad Wolf/Verbolten ride at Busch Gardens Williamsburg for their Wolfman ride (I don’t know anything about it’s development).
I know I've brought it up before, but I really do wonder what they'll do for Phantom and Quasimodo considering they should be long dead by this point.

One of my friends brought up a cool idea, that being maybe Phantom is still alive exclusively because of spite and an inability to let go of Christine and his hatred?
I know I've brought it up before, but I really do wonder what they'll do for Phantom and Quasimodo considering they should be long dead by this point.

One of my friends brought up a cool idea, that being maybe Phantom is still alive exclusively because of spite and an inability to let go of Christine and his hatred?
I doubt an explanation will be given, but I like to think Victoria will literally be injecting new life into all of monsters she’s gathered.
Sure nighttime would be gorgeous to see this land. But also give me a cold overcast drizzly day to explore the land too!
I thought Nintendo would be my top but I think this area is #1. I am obsessed with Gothic Architectural Revival Manors and can't wait to just sit and stare at the Manor here when I'm there.
Please let them have the windows light up at night and maybe have silhouettes.

Also wanted to add. I know it's too late to add probably and maybe wouldn't even be popular to do. But something that could help eat away at the long ride lines and crowd:
A thick forest maze. Full of fog in some sorts and creepy sounds. Dark spooky trees and such. Maybe half indoor to look like it's under thick trees and always dark. I'd have fun exploring something like that.
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