Disneyland Club 33 (Film) | Inside Universal Forums

Disneyland Club 33 (Film)

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Dec 29, 2022

The project is said to exude the tone and vibes of Clue and Night at the Museum, Levy’s own fantasy-adventure trilogy set in a museum and featuring exhibits and historical figures to come to life.

Ah yes, that beloved and timeless attraction adored by dozens of millionaires and millionaires at heart.
You might notice that I also said "park places", in which I was specifically referring to Club 33 because it's not an attraction. No need for the sarcasm lol
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You might notice that I also said "park places", in which I was specifically referring to Club 33 because it's not an attraction. No need for the sarcasm
I still question what the value of making a movie about this I.P is when the I.P has such a limited reach. This isn't like Pirates or the Haunted Mansion, where you can easily claim that millions of people have a relationship with the attraction. This is a movie about a piece of Disneyland ephemera that they're trying to jerryrig into, like, a Knives Out/Night at the Museum crossover?
I still question what the value of making a movie about this I.P is when the I.P has such a limited reach. This isn't like Pirates or the Haunted Mansion, where you can easily claim that millions of people have a relationship with the attraction. This is a movie about a piece of Disneyland ephemera that they're trying to jerryrig into, like, a Knives Out/Night at the Museum crossover?
Disney PR will find an angle around "Disney fans always wanted to know about the mystery behind Club 33... this is your way of finding out peasants!"

I'm very interested in this project though, wonder how they plan on using the park if that's what ends up happening.
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No thanks, just reeks of bad corporate synergy. Like others have pointed out, Club 33 is the most exclusive thing in the Disney parks, so building a film around that seems to be in poor taste if you're trying to appeal to a wide audience.
I never thought I would say this, and I'm stunned that I am...Where is the Synergy?!

They're basing a film off of a place that the vast majority of people who see the film will NOT be able to step foot in, period. This feels like another weird moment of hubris here. Like, I still question why they wanna' do a Space Mountain film, but at least the audience around the world can go on one somewhere.
I don’t like the angle of the super exclusive rich people club being host to only the greatest people ever but maybe that’s just me being cynical.
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Thinking about it again, I think the Club 33 angle is just the way they're pushing the movie through the door. Might as well sneak in a weird original idea via an IP nobody except executives care about than mess with something beloved.
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Kind of buried in the article, Disney also working on a TV show and Ryan Reynolds movie revolving around S.E.A.,* which I personally think have a better chance of seeing the light of day.

* - Society of Explorers & Adventurers. It's a rabbit hole if you google it.
Kind of buried in the article, Disney also working on a TV show and Ryan Reynolds movie revolving around S.E.A.,* which I personally think have a better chance of seeing the light of day.

* - Society of Explorers & Adventurers. It's a rabbit hole if you google it.
Bring me something that makes Adventurers' Club come back and they can take my money.

Also the whole hidden figures aspect sounds very similar to Tomorrowland's backstory with their group of scientists who worked in secret to improve mankind is a place called Rapture Tomorrowland. It's a cool concept that could be played for broad comedy but why is Club 33 the angle to make this story happen?
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no thank you
I actually feel like if done right, this could be pretty good. Problem is, I don’t trust Disney to put effort into making quality movies based on the parks anymore, it’s just them using synergy and thinking that will be enough to have a successful film.
Bring me something that makes Adventurers' Club come back and they can take my money.
Would be weird to see Reynolds as, say, Hathaway, but I'm with you. Enough characters at this point they could do the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but with theme park rides instead of books.