HHN '19: Ghostbusters | Inside Universal Forums

HHN '19: Ghostbusters

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL

Ghostbusters haunted house announced for Halloween Horror Nights | Inside Universal

Celebrating its 35th anniversary, you’ll jump through the movie screen of the original 1984 film and walk through some of your favorite scenes like the New York Public Library, the Temple of Gozer and more.

In this haunted house, you’ll be transported to the streets of New York as the rift between worlds opens, releasing ghoulish spirits, hideous specters and ectoplasm-dripping phantasms in every shape and size. Come face-to-face with the voracious Slimer, the all-power Gozer the Gozerian, Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man and more.
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Here's the video,


Guess i can leave my speculative "room lineup" here
the facade will be the Firehouse. i expect this to be the twitter password maze with Ray and Peter out front bickering (sorta like the Gecko brothers in from dusk till dawn). what they'll give you? idk, maybe something like the tuck and specs card from insidious.

first scene will of course be the library ghost. could have her first appear as a peppers ghost effect shushing you. you can then have a box scare with the demented version of the ghost (box scare is a scare where the actors torso up)

second scene will be the apartment kitchen, with the eggs bursting open. a Zuul animatronic head will come out from the fridge

you can then have a transition hallway into the hotel, with the three accidentally hitting you with the proton packs.

third scene will be the hotel hallway with a slimer animatronic scare (similar to the horde animatronic in twd). as you exit the room, have a slimed peter come out through the door and say "he slimed me"

fourth scene the living room, where you can see Dana being held down by the hands on the couch. this will be a distraction for Zuul to burst through a door

transition apartment hallway with Zuul bursting through a door

fifth scene can be sort of like the exorcist room, where Dana can be seen floating above her bed, and Peter will ask for the real dana

transition street room with a insane Louis wandering, asking for the keymaster

sixth scene with the headquarters basement, where the containement unit can be seen with smoke coming out of it

seventh scene will be the streets, where the subway ghost (reused poltergeist animatronic), and the cab ghost (reused car scare effect) scare you

transition staircase hallway, with Stay Pufts hand's coming through the wall

finale room will be the roof with 2 Zuul animatronics, a gozer actress, and a stay puft head.
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I'll just say that this has every shot of being as great as AvP and American Werewolf were and I pray that they deliver
AvP was EPIC. AWiL was pretty good, but that random hallway transitioning into the transformation scene and out of it was pretty bare.

About time they announced it. This is currently my most-anticipated house. I'm glad to see that they've raised the height of the tent to address the space concerns for their scenes. While I'm sure there will be some good scares in here, I think this will just be a really, really fun maze. But this is Murdy and not Aiello doing this, so I'm really hoping Murdy doesn't screw this up with a bunch of black walls.
I’m legit excited for this house! And hopefully Universal sees the potential of being back ghostbusters in the very least as street entertainment
I hope this will be good but I also know it’ll be a creative challenge for Murdy. However after Poltergeist last year I trust that he can translate a movie that’s not as readily made for a haunt compared to something like Corpses
AvP was EPIC. AWiL was pretty good, but that random hallway transitioning into the transformation scene and out of it was pretty bare.

About time they announced it. This is currently my most-anticipated house. I'm glad to see that they've raised the height of the tent to address the space concerns for their scenes. While I'm sure there will be some good scares in here, I think this will just be a really, really fun maze. But this is Murdy and not Aiello doing this, so I'm really hoping Murdy doesn't screw this up with a bunch of black walls.
I really think that Black walls are a budget thing, not a design choice. If there is enough budget, this maze could be one of the best since the relaunch in 2006
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I really think that Black walls are a budget thing, not a design choice. If there is enough budget, this maze could be one of the best since the relaunch in 2006
I agree. I have a gut feeling this could be the year with tram getting the axe.

I will say I have never seen as many "shares" on my FB for any other maze at HHN being announced. This is getting a LOT of positive feedback. This has serious potential of being house of the year. If it does really well......full-on dark ride?
About time, yes. Well this is my my #1 anticipated maze. I felt like they could've done the video much better, but nonetheless, still excited
really curious how they will do Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Will it be a huge puppet similar to the queen alien from AvP?

Part of me won't be surprised if, for budgetary reasons/physical limitations, they either utilize the same puppet effect as the skull ghost head (that sprayed water) from last year's Poltergeist maze, or do the huge puppet with arms in 2012's La Llorona maze.
Part of me won't be surprised if, for budgetary reasons/physical limitations, they either utilize the same puppet effect as the skull ghost head (that sprayed water) from last year's Poltergeist maze, or do the huge puppet with arms in 2012's La Llorona maze.

Then again, the tent is raised.