I disagree. I'd say it seems like neither. I'm more excited about Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit than any other new coaster opening this year around the country. Rockit is such a fresh, unique layout. B&Ms, Intamins, etc, are all typically all great coasters, but after a while every B&M starts to feel the same. You really can know *exactly* how the ride is going to be before even traveling to the park and experiencing it. Rockit doesn't fit that mold at all, and I think that's awesome.
Maurer Shone isn't a very well known designer in the US, but they're fairly established over in Europe. They really DO have some great stuff, but to date it has all been fairly small, compact and short. Rockit is in a sense their first crack at the big leagues, and it has nothing to do with being at Universal, or being in the US versus Europe - it's simply the first really full scale coaster they have done. I left Europe *extremely* high on Maurer, and said then five years ago that the day Maurer gets a chance to do a big ticket ride, they're going to become a major player.
I was THRILLED when B&M turned down the Rockit contract - not because I wouldn't want a B&M - that would be great - but because we get something completely unique and destination worthy.
Rockit is going to be a make or break thing for Maurer. I really hope this is the start of seeing a lot more of them in the US. It will be nice to nave a new flavor of ride out there for a change.