Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit | Page 36 | Inside Universal Forums

Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit

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The Oval wooding gets taken on and off from time to time. It's called a reach envelope and makes sure people don't get there hands chopped of on especially tight spots.
The Oval wooding gets taken on and off from time to time. It's called a reach envelope and makes sure people don't get there hands chopped of on especially tight spots.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up Jake. I thought it had to be some kind of measuring thing since obviously the coaster train would crash right into it! :bang:
Aerial view of the construction.......



This ride looks strange. It isn't laid out like your typical coaster. It looks kinda squished. I'm curious to see how the finish product ends up.

EDIT: and after looking at it further... if you go on Twister you better hope you don't end up waiting in the queue. It's going to be loud as hell in that thing every time the ride passes by.
With seeing were the band shell is will be interesting to see what happens when they have live events and this thing comes screaming by. I did Mystery Mine at Dollywood and it has the same kind of climb (smaller size but straight up climb) It is a very weird sensation to climb a lift hill like that. But the drop will be similar to Sheikra which will lift you right out of the seat. The restraint system looks like it will fit over your mid section which is very intresting.
I figure I'd update you guys from what a friend said. He said if your expecting this for GradBash or GradVenture you better be waiting for '10. Pretty much it won't be open for them.
From Screamscape

This may just be a bad rumor going around and I know how fast some bad rumors can spread in Orlando, but this one is a little wild. The stories claim that the opening of the Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit may delayed until Mid Summer or even later due to some kind of design problem with the ride’s vertical lift hill. As crazy as it sounds, the gist is that the tower may have been installed incorrectly and may need to be moved and rebuilt. Of course a variant of this rumor has been flying around ever since the tower started to go up when construction on the ride stopped for a number of weeks suddenly while they worked to finish up the new concert stage. Now the lift-hill tower rumor is back again… and while I’d like to stay that I just can’t believe that it’s true, strange things do happen from time to time. After all… it wasn’t all that long ago that Cedar Point had to delay the opening of Maverick so a major inversion could be removed from the completed coaster, because the forces were deemed to be unsafe for riders. Anyone know more about what is going on with the Rockit?

The cranes have disappeared....
I wonder if there is truth to this rumor considering no track has been added to the lift hill....at all. A friend of mine who works in Guest Relations also said they were having unexpected trouble with it but I figured it was just the long construction period. :shrug:
Yeah, that's what I thought too.

I'm still not going to open up any YouTube links for fear of being RickRoll'd or getting a scare that sends my laptop flying. I haven't been hit with anything today, so that's what I'm worried about.
Yeah I'm steering clear of suspicious links too. The last thing I need is for my work computer to crash! :lol:

I really hope this rumor isn't true though. I was really looking forward to riding this and Manta this Spring.
Maybe be a technically issue with the lift electrical system. The lift is really very complex, so we will see, few coasters are ever done on time it seems. Won't bother my time line should be open in OCT
I wonder if there is truth to this rumor considering no track has been added to the lift hill....at all. A friend of mine who works in Guest Relations also said they were having unexpected trouble with it but I figured it was just the long construction period. :shrug:

Uh Oh. This isn't a good sign....