Joining the Team That Designs HHN | Inside Universal Forums

Joining the Team That Designs HHN

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Jul 27, 2015
Since this is a common question, I’m a bit surprised there isn’t a thread to directly discuss it. But, Mike just gave a very straight-forward answer about what it takes to join the A&D team.

In short — talent, hard-work, and a little luck.

A little luck? More like connections, networking, and a lot of luck.
I didn’t want to sound so dismissively calloused about the process in the first post of the thread. But yeah, A&D is 90% who you know.
Yes networking, that thing I was supposed to go to college for which doesn't really exist in a post-COVID world :(
College actually doesn’t help much with networking.
Yeah I’d argue connections and networking is #1.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was merely stating that there are a lot of people that it is their dream to work at something they do not, and never will have the talent for. Too, if your an a-hole or whiner or hate people... you probably won't succeed on the networking/connections front. Just "know thyself" before proceeding is all that I am advising. i.e. Florence Foster Jenkins ;)
Probably means more if you go to an 'elite' Ivy like private college than it does in public colleges or the less elite private colleges.
That starts in finishing/high/prep school. My nephew got a scholarship to one and it paved the way to Dartmouth and BC, his father's alma maters. Now working for University of Pennsylvania. I went to his second (in ten days! - story!) wedding in Tulum and met people he went to school with, CIA and many government underling types, it is a networked environment to be sure.
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I agree but most of my parents' friends I talk to seem to think that is the reason to go to college.
So, they were all Greeks...

Unless you’re involved in Greek life, SGA, or a specific club that deals with the field you want to get involved in, college networking is limited to non-existant. Just putting yourself out there through job fairs, workshops, conferences, or (most effectively) making a name for yourself at entry-level positions, is far more effective.
That starts in finishing/high/prep school. My nephew got a scholarship to one and it paved the way to Dartmouth and BC his father's alma maters. Now working for University of Pennsylvania. I went to his second (in ten days! - story!) wedding in Tulum and met people he went to school with, CIA and many government underling types, it is a networked environment to be sure.
Yep. One reason the wealthy and powerful send their kids to certain schools. Connections and networking. But that's basically just those elite schools, and not the other 90 plus percent schools.
I don’t know if this is the place to put this (and apologies for necromancing this), but what exactly is the format of the standard HHN / haunt treatment? Is it akin to something like a movie script or completely different?
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I don’t know if this is the place to put this (and apologies for necromancing this), but what exactly is the format of the standard HHN / haunt treatment? Is it akin to something like a movie script or completely different?
It’s basically a short story told in the second person. There will typically be some sort of chart for details about performers, effects, etc., but it starts with, “You approach a dilapidated building.”

My treatments are written in the “HHN” style. During the rehearsals for Screamhouse, they read us the treatment so we understood our role in the context of the story. Because that’s what haunted houses are—stories that guests participate in.

And all the treatments I’ve seen from various haunts are based in that sort of style.
It’s basically a short story told in the second person. There will typically be some sort of chart for details about performers, effects, etc., but it starts with, “You approach a dilapidated building.”

My treatments are written in the “HHN” style. During the rehearsals for Screamhouse, they read us the treatment so we understood our role in the context of the story. Because that’s what haunted houses are—stories that guests participate in.

And all the treatments I’ve seen from various haunts are based in that sort of style.

Much appreciated! Thank you very much.