From the podcast:
The Darkest Deal is one of the houses. It kinda leans into an Americana myth that's been around and very popular for a very long time. It's that idea of selling your soul for fame. And so we're gonna go to the Mississippi Delta where we meet a Blues man who sold his soul for fame and we follow his journey as if we're like the bandmates so we're kinda seeing the deal happening, this Darkest Deal, we go into these juke joints, and we see this what we call The Collector is following us on this journey. He's everywhere. And all of the sudden there might be like a patron that clicks their head a little bit and all of the sudden the sign of The Collector appears, their eyes go white and his voice comes out of them as if they're possessed. He's following us along on this journey, we signed the contract, and at the end, we'll find out what happens. Do we go down to Hell itself? We'll find out.