This trailer didn't do much for me, but it did what a first trailer is supposed to do and it gave me a feel of what the film is going for. The next trailer needs to knock it out of the park though.
I know Spielberg and Disney will make this an awards play, but man if it isn't coming out in the wrong year. With not just Dear Evan Hanson, but In The Heights coming out in the Summer, which in many ways is a modernized version of West Side Story. I think if any musical has a chance to take home big awards next year it's ITH with WSS just sort of getting lost in the shuffle in a year of a lot of high profile musicals.
Also, notice they seemed to REALLY be trying to hide Ansel Elgort, the freaking male lead. If his controversy doesn't go away, this movie is going to be very problematic for Disney/Fox.