Issues - Uploading Photos - Ad in Post Reply | Inside Universal Forums

Issues - Uploading Photos - Ad in Post Reply

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
We are aware that there is an issue trying to upload photos. We are trying to find the cause of it so please be patient. In the mean time, we suggest using an outside photo hosting service to link images.

Also, a user brought up having issues where ads would show up in the reply box, preventing them to type and post. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

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I had issues uploading a photo earlier.

For anybody having the same issue, I'd recommend using and then inserting the image into your post by linking to it using the landscape box next to the smiley face on the toolbar above your post.

I've also noticed a few members avatars disappearing.
I think the issue with the adds on mobile is that they load in after eh rest of the site, so they can seem to pop up in front of something when they push content below where it was.
We've figured out the issue with file uploads. It does come with some bad news. Basically, uploading files on the forum is utilizing a lot of resources on our server. I haven't decided on how to go about handling uploading going forward, but changes will be coming.
We've figured out the issue with file uploads. It does come with some bad news. Basically, uploading files on the forum is utilizing a lot of resources on our server. I haven't decided on how to go about handling uploading going forward, but changes will be coming.

Tweet it then link it seems to be the best way to handle it. You can also put it on Facebook (even on UO's page!) and then link it.