Biggest Horror IPs yet to appear at HHN? | Inside Universal Forums

Biggest Horror IPs yet to appear at HHN?

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Jun 16, 2017
Isle Delfino
Now that we pretty much know everything about this year, I’ve been thinking a little bit about the future of the event and what horror properties that exist now that they can still use that would be as big as Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Thing, Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters, etc?

To be clear, this isn’t really a thread to speculate on what would make for a good house or even if they could feasibly come to Horror Nights at all rights-wise. Moreso just to look back at the huge lineup of movies, tv shows, and games that have already been used and think about what’s left. I also know that more properties will be created or be rebooted in big ways in the future, but the present is what we know so let’s mostly stick to that yknow?

With that said, I do think there are quite a few big horror video game properties that haven’t been utilized yet like Castlevania and Five Nights at Freddy’s. Maybe if the FNAF movie does well enough it could find its way back to the event.

There are also some pretty big movie franchises like Conjuring and IT that haven’t made it for obvious rights reasons. What else do you guys think is out there?
I'm kind of surprised they haven't done Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Between the relationship with Warner (copyright owners), and Netflix (producers), I would have figured it was a natural fit...

Officially? The biggest franchises yet to appear are Hellraiser, Conjuring, and Scream. Hellraiser and Scream HAVE appeared, unofficially, in DIE-In Take 2.

Video games don't really move the needle, marketing wise, but the biggest horror-adjacent gaming franchise yet to appear is arguably Gears of War.
We've hit most of the "sexy Mainstream ones" already, but seeing as how we have a Killer Klownz house this year (and Slaughter Sinema last year), I think they are starting to tap into the nostalgic, cult following films.

Here's ten that aren't ever going to be the main attraction for the year, but could make for a fun house...

- Sleepaway Camp
- Suspiria
- Amityville Horror (Most marketable. Surprised they haven't.)
- Tourist Trap (This would be terrifying.)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night
- Re-Animator
- Return of the Living Dead
- The Descent
- Night of the Demons
- Terrifier
Candyman (the reboot means this one is probably coming soon)
Creepshow (yes, it's at Hollywood, but not Orlando)

Also, Sleepaway Camp or Re-Animator would be...interesting...
I think the works of Lovecraft and Shakespeare are big names in Horror-adjacent Literature that haven't yet been utilized to my knowledge. I think Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Goosebumps are also up there.
Officially? The biggest franchises yet to appear are Hellraiser, Conjuring, and Scream. Hellraiser and Scream HAVE appeared, unofficially, in DIE-In Take 2.

Video games don't really move the needle, marketing wise, but the biggest horror-adjacent gaming franchise yet to appear is arguably Gears of War.
I'd hardly call Gears of War Horror-adjacent. It's a military game much like CoD.

If we're talking video games, it's gotta be The Last of Us. Part 2 is coming out next year, too. Give me some of those beautiful clicker deaths. TLoU also has a great story to pull from with many characters for the house, along with many different locations. I have a house of this designed... it pretty much designs itself.

I'd hardly call Gears of War Horror-adjacent. It's a military game much like CoD.

If we're talking video games, it's gotta be The Last of Us. Part 2 is coming out next year, too. Give me some of those beautiful clicker deaths. TLoU also has a great story to pull from with many characters for the house, along with many different locations. I have a house of this designed... it pretty much designs itself.

Gears is absolutely horror-adjacent. The Locusts are essentially armed Nightingales.
It's funny.. sometimes I'll stop and think "There probably aren't enough IPs left for HHN".. only for annual wishful thinking/speculation wish lists and whatever unexpected rabbits both Hollywood and Orlando's creative teams pull out of their hats to prove me wrong..
Besides Rocky Horror Picture Show, I don't believe they've ever used an IP that originated in theatre before, correct? That would leave things like Little Shop of Horrors and Sweeney Todd on the table for unused IPs.

Technically the Phantom of the Opera is a Universal Classic Monster but it remains unseen whether or not he's actually in the house or not. It also obviously won't be the Webber incarnation if he does.
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I'd hardly call Gears of War Horror-adjacent. It's a military game much like CoD.

If we're talking video games, it's gotta be The Last of Us. Part 2 is coming out next year, too. Give me some of those beautiful clicker deaths. TLoU also has a great story to pull from with many characters for the house, along with many different locations. I have a house of this designed... it pretty much designs itself.


It would be like a gory version of Seeds of Extinction, with spores growing out of the bodies of the dead.
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The pipe dream is Bloodborne.

Other than that, besides what people have already said,

- The Cornettos Trilogy seems like the perfect cult classic property for a maze. I know Shaun of the Dead was a SZ, but I want a maze, darnit.
- Black Christmas (OG or new remake) seems like the perfect smaller IP to look at for one of these years
- Hill House sprang up out of nowhere and became a huge sensation out of the blue, so I'm sure the HHN people are looking at that one. TBH, I'm very surprised they didn't get it for this year.
- Audition is one of those cult classics that had a huge profile at one point in time, for just how effed up it was. I'd love to see it at Horror Nights.
- Channel Zero got cancelled, but I'm always holding out hope for a revival, and that show's got characters galore and enough name recognition through the Creepypastas, I think, for a maze.
- Oh speaking of cancelled, Hannibal would also be tight. I want a maze full of Mads Mikkelsen lookalikes
- The Ring is something I'm surprised they haven't done yet. Characters present a problem, but they could take inspiration from the creepy videos itself, especially the man with a bag on his head.
- On a similar vein, The Grudge would be awesome.
- Oh, actually, Kayako v. Sadako: The Ring vs. The Grudge. Cuz why not.
- House (1977) would probably never happen, but still, it would be insaaaaaaaane.
- Outside of J-Horror, Hitchcock is something that keeps coming up and I think they oughtta do it soon, because the conversation around Hitchcock has started turning sour due to the abuse he heaped on his stars. If they don't want everyone to feel weird, they should probably get that one out of the way quickly.
- Salem's Lot is getting a big, glossy remake by James Wan and that's probably something Uni is looking at.
- Jacob's Ladder would be amazing, with tons of mirror effects and creepy masks. Pipe dream? Probably, but still.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer I originally thought was owned by Fox, but apparently Dolly Parton has a production company called Sandollar Productions that owns the TV Rights to the movie, so they could get around things that way.
- I Know What You Did Last Summer is getting a TV series from Amazon with James Wan writing, so something to look out for.

That's what I can think of right now.
IP's I would like to see

One of creepiest movies I've ever seen.

In my top 2 zombie movies. 1 being Return of the Living Dead(already mentioned)

Just a good fun slasher flick from the 80's
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I highly agree with @Nick on TLoU, and I honestly think it's one of those rare IP's that if they get, they can easily sell without much needing to know of for the game.

Personally? Part of me, as strange as it sounds..thinks that Body Snatchers could blend itself quite well for HHN. It's a cult classic in horror nowadays, and it has a lot of potential to do some fun. And outside of that, any of the George A. Romero "living dead" films would work nicely.
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Now that we pretty much know everything about this year, I’ve been thinking a little bit about the future of the event and what horror properties that exist now that they can still use that would be as big as Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Thing, Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters, etc?

To be clear, this isn’t really a thread to speculate on what would make for a good house or even if they could feasibly come to Horror Nights at all rights-wise. Moreso just to look back at the huge lineup of movies, tv shows, and games that have already been used and think about what’s left. I also know that more properties will be created or be rebooted in big ways in the future, but the present is what we know so let’s mostly stick to that yknow?
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I think answers like The Ring, Hellraiser, the Living Dead series, and Hill House are really great. I’m really surprised a lot of these haven’t actually been done yet.

Here are some other big horror properties that I don’t expect to ever come to the event:

-Final Destination
-Rosemary’s Baby
-The Fly
-Paranormal Activity
-Blair Witch Project
-Scooby Doo
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I think answers like The Ring, Hellraiser, the Living Dead series, and Hill House are really great. I’m really surprised a lot of these haven’t actually been done yet.

Here are some other big horror properties that I don’t expect to ever come to the event:

-Final Destination
-Rosemary’s Baby
-The Fly
-Paranormal Activity
-Blair Witch Project
-Scooby Doo

I was considering adding the Fly, but that one is totally owned by Fox. If we were including Fox movies, I'd also mention The Omen series, standalone Alien and Predator, 28 blanks Later, and some more obscure cult classics like Legend of Hell House and The Other.

Other than that, the big problem with alot of other horror properties like Rosemary's Baby is just how do you get scareactors in? Minnie Castevet just isn't that scary when jumping out of a boo hole.

Edit: also Polanski. I kinda want to see them try RB, like how I was interested in seeing them do The Exorcist and The Shining, but I'm not sure if they can get away with it in this day and age.
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