Tough to say. The omnimover approach works for show delivery, but I think they would need to go with a different variant of the ride system with a more accommodating vehicle. There is no reason for the seats and restraints to be so prohibitively restrictive - it's a family ride with no elevation changes.
I'd also say they either need to design a vehicle that seats 4 (instead of 2) and/or find a way to add more vehicles to the track (there are fairly large gaps between RVs in the current setup). The problem with the former is you'd probably lose a little proximity and intimacy to the show elements to accommodate the wider berth, and the problem with the latter is several of the show effects are clearly designed with the current spacing and would need to be rethought.
The overall issue is you've got a ride with the capacity of Mr. Toad trying to field Express guests with vehicles that are not easy to board for many guests... so you've got to find some way to increase the number of seats available and, ideally, make it easier for more guests to ride, preventing avoidable slowdowns, stops, and bummers.