Let's not forget, Universal is just like Six Flags.
WDWMagic, not to make this a bash WDWMagic thread, but too many of their members troll and it is blatantly obvious. They purposely ruin any kind of discussion going on, taking it off topic, starting arguments, and getting threads shut down. Plus, the groupies on Spirits jock are the worst. They all claim to hate him but can never stay away from his threads. I stopped visiting WDWMagic because of the nonsense that is allowed to go on over there.
I love this site because nonsense like that is few and far between. And when it does start, Bri or any other mod is on it in a hurry putting an end to it. Plus the members here, well, let's face it, we do kind of help make their jobs easier by not going overboard with the arguing!