Some observations:
- It seems they're making a clear visual distinction between werewolves as a type of monster, and the Wolf Man as a specific character. The rendering of the werewolf figure on the coaster looks nothing like the rendering of the Wolf Man in Monsters Unchained. I think this is smart, to preserve the uniqueness of Larry Talbot's Wolf Man.
- It sure looks like there might be some actual ride film animation in the sections talking about Monsters Unchained. Or perhaps (hopefully) it's just a (pretty high-quality) animatic? Definitely looks like simulator scenes, though.
- I'm glad they've canonically recognized that the original Frankenstein of this world is Henry, not Victor.
- I like the idea of the different meet-and-greets. The Bride looks dead-on to her movie counterpart, and one would assume that's what she'll look like in the ride.
- I wish we got to see the new looks of more of the redesigned monster characters.
- The environments of the land look tremendous (save for the coaster track cutting through some areas), and this land alone will demand that the park remain open until nightfall year-round.
Overall, the conception of this land still isn't exactly what I wanted as a Classic Monsters devotee, but provided Monsters Unchained really delivers, I have no doubt it will be my favorite land in the park.