*Sorry Nico, was mid-typing when I saw your post*
Did you seriously say FF is a dying IP, whose last film made over $700m worldwide and is Universal's most lucrative franchise in the modern era, while suggesting BTTF and ET as alternates? Like seriously? I love all those films, but not only are they not on the same level of money-making as FF currently, but this type of coaster would be doing those properties a disservice. The same applies to Dragons.
A drift coaster utilizing the tricky terrain doesn't open up a lot of options, meaning there's only so much you can do; but fortunately, a FF coaster doesn't require much more than speed and thrills.
And what's the one thing fans of the franchise and haters of Supercharged have said?
You need to stop moving the goalposts and inserting personal opinions into sound business decisions.
Moving it to this thread
So here we go first off, they could still include Fast and Furious to a great movie ride coaster.....so little is lost there the fans will still come for that. Plus you get classic fans with BTTF, a new twister is coming out, could also throw in an ET part fort classic film fans as well, Classic Monsters can be added and if they want to go animated HTTY Dragon fits perfectly
This allows you to bring more merch into the parks people want, we will see when F&F comes but I doubt it moves much merch and thats where the real money is made.
As for F&F Dying it is, never said it didn't make money but the movies make less now then they did 5 years ago. Fast X cost 340 million to make and made 714 Million, at least most people online I see say you need to make over double your budget to really make a profit.
So that's why it's dying, its not gaining more people watching it and the movies cost more now then ever to make.
Also Fast X was last year wayyyyyyyyy beyond the Pandemic so no excuses for that kinda performance
If people here think a F&F Coaster is more exciting then one with effects and multiple movie themes cool , I disagree and won't not speak my mind when we are on forums talking about theme parks. Cars and garages are boring themes to me, we literally have them at six flags down the street.
My issue with this coaster isn't the coaster, its a great use of the space its the theme they are using. But I'm excited to be here to see it being built so fast the team doing it are killing it and I'm excited to talk about the reception of the ride and it's affect on the park.
I'm pretty confident it won't move the needle much but if I'm wrong cool, I'll admit but unless magic happens I don't think this coaster will lead to much more profits or attendance spikes beyond the normal ones when you open a new ride.