My top 10:
10:Monsters inc. laugh floor:last time I did this it was kinda funny im wanting to think my mom got picked on by one of the comedians lol
eople mover: I honestly could ride this all day its such a relaxing ride especially on very hot days...
8:Country bear Jamboree: best show probably in exsistance in my opinion!!! I just love how down south these bears are they crack me up every time lol
7:Winnie the pooh: Yes I feel like a two year old when I ride it but it's still part of my childhood and still love the ride it makes me happy :smiley:
hilharmagic: Best 3D show in all of Orlando in my opinion Terminator and Shrek have nothing on this lol
5:Haunted Mansion: Best omnimover in all of Disney World the Little Mermaid had nothing on this
4:Big Thunder Mountain Railroad: I love the pops of air you get on this, I love riding this at night :smiley:
3:Splash Mountain:You might be wondering why is this number 3 I shall tell you for number 2 :ears:
2:Jungle Cruise: Ok back in 2009 I got to drive our boat around in the cave on the Jungle Cruise I will always remember that Skipper Pete :ears:
1:Space Mountain:Ok everyone saw basically saw this coming I love this ride I find it more entertaining then the Mummy after the last time I rode it theres just something about it I mean it's a simple ride but a simple ride in th dark can go a long way!!! :mickey2: