Tire's an interesting story about that "city". Walt asked on of the imagineers (I think it was Wathel) to provide some props for a film he was doing for the Florida State Legislature to convince them about the need for RCID. This was Wednesday. The painting and model was due by Friday. So what Walt is pointing out was basically a quick idea of what EPCOT might look like, but in reality nothing had been discussed, planned or even though about. This was the last film Walt ever made, as he was hospitalized a week later, and died shortly thereafter. Someone (NOT Imagineering) thought that film would make a fitting tribute and aired it at the end of the Disney TV show. The Imagineers were horrified, as now this painting would become the "definitive" idea of what Walt wanted, even though not a single bit of planning really went into it. As the years went by they realized the concept of EPCOT was impossible (How do you put someone into a living prototype of something that may or may not work? You just couldn't. As one of the Imagineers said, the minute someone moves in the E, P and T disappear). So the idea became a Future World Theme Center (of which no admission would be charged) providing an overview, and a World Showcase. The two eventually combined as one. But, as I heard often back in the day, the designers would complain they are still haunted by " that f***** painting"). LOL