So can we go ahead and:
-Move Hippogriff to border the forest (and might as well rebuild it a la Hulk while we're at it)
-Add Shrieking Shack (via queue of new ride or a separate walkthrough w/ spells)
-Build a large viewing area for the castle show
-Add 2-3 more Shops on Train side of Hogsmeade
-Build Black Lake w/ Boat Docks
-Take Boat from Hogsmeade to Castle (near current Exit shop) to eat at the Great Hall (check in to occur before boat ride)
AND get this ride? Pretty please?

Now THAT would be insane. Take an expansion of that magnitude, in combination with Diagon Alley- and it wouldn’t even be close. SWL would still dominate the news, but HP would certainly steal lots of thunder- the main benefit being the “comparison” articles that would come out and mentioning how much more diverse and expansive the HP areas are (because its essentially 3 expansions over 2 parks). HP would win hands down. Personally, I believe it still will win the comparison articles- but that type of hype w/ the 3 dining experiences and night show (viewing area) would elevate it even further.
I'm excited- I just don't want ONE ride with all that space.
ETA: Small question- does FotH ride differently in Hollywood vs Orlando? I know its a tiny coaster- but with one being a retread and almost 20 years old vs the new one- is there a discernible difference in smoothness?