It's kind of typical that the major theme park sites, which are primarily Disney oriented sites, and the general internet You Tube crowd that watches videos but doesn't really experience attractions physically, trashes all things Universal. Usually Universal's new attractions (Potter included), even though they're generally the best new theme park attractions, get trashed on the internet when they debut. That's why I never pay attention to posts where people say a new Universal attraction is getting bad reviews, since the truth of the matter is that the pro Disney internet crowd always trashes Universal's new offerings. Even attractions like FJ, Gringotts & HE were mostly given negative reviews. So many people just can't accept the reality that the little upstart Universal can produce as good, if not better, attractions than Disney at a lower cost. I like Disney too, but I'm not very enamored of their hard core fans that can't accept the competition's competency, or the fact that Disney is not on a island by itself anymore.

...and as UK Trigg stated so well, welcome to our Forum, which is fairer and more friendly (with a couple of exceptions) than most of the other's out there.
