Someday I would like to see some IP shows. Heres my idea that involves some ips.
This show is like a survival show. The show determines who is going to survive. Who will survive (Lets be honest, they're all gonna die). A crazy show host has captured some of the IPs this year, and are being used for his show to kill his victims (Demodogs, Ghosts, Firefly Family, Killer Klowns, Wolfman, and Frankenstiens Monster). The show is to determine who will survive. Will everyone survive?
Throughout the whole show, we see the contestents being slaughtered by them. Demodogs tear them apart, Wolfman rips a man's throat, Ghosts playing around their victim until they eventually kill them, Killer Klowns kill by using acidic pie, and Frankenstien snapping a neck. (I honestly can't think of a gory kill for him that is fitting for him)
Welp there you have it. What do you guys think?