Talking Points:
I disagree with your piece Fallow. Universal is still listening to us. Surveys said that people wanted a more interactive experience. We were given Horror Unearthed. Surveys said people wanted more street actors. We get two new hordes.
Horror Unearthed is awesome, I want to emphasize that. I think it's great that the interactive games are returning. It's pretty obvious it doesn't have the confident backing of Comcast (or at least the budget that would accompany it), hence the reskinned games from X Studios. The in-park stuff is neat, though, and comparable to Legendary Truth (though despite the Iniquitus, lacks a compelling central character). As for the hordes... as much as I appreciate them doing their best, it appears to be too little, too late. It seemed to me people wanted scare zones, not more actors, period - we'll have to wait until next year to see if we get the zones. As far as listening in general? I think that was the case 2010 to 2011. We got a better marketed icon, a super interactive build-up website, tons of backstory pages, 7 strong houses that oozed originality with 1 understandable IP house, the return of show scenes, amped up gore (relative to 2010), evolving scare zones, projection effects in the streets... Was it a perfect year? No. Many of the streets were below par, Lady Luck still lacked a solid attraction (and needed a house), the marketing campaign needed to be scarier... But many of the flaws of 2010 were addressed. In 2012, we took many steps backwards, and I'm not just talking about one less house (which I still deem inexcusable, since that was the plan pre-SS44 demolition).
I haven't gotten yelled at this year by Ops, nor have I seen them using flashlights in houses.
You are VERY lucky. Take a look through comments posted on the FB page - they're filled with complaints about the conga lines and "employees" who stand in the houses. Last year, the ops had special crevices to stand in for the most part, out of peoples' way - and in all but a few instances they did not push people through so aggressively. This year, we literally have ops leaving their room to come find you and demand that you run, along with them being placed in front of set pieces (Nofasteru, spider room in Alice, etc.)
Houses have had long lines as recently as 2008. 2008 was right around when the financial crisis was happening. I think a lot of newer fans were not around when the event was getting 100 minute waits opening weekend of 2006 and 2007, but they were there and we haven't hit that point again yet. I can remember seeing a picture of Friday 13th with a 100 minute wait on a non-peak night and I even remember Saw getting a 130 a few times. 2008 was just the last time that the houses were consistently getting 120 minute waits.
I attended the event two nights in 08, and waits were relatively light - mostly, I suspect, due to the economic recession. Reflections of Fear always had the killer wait. The difference this year is the wait times have been increased artificially - true, I think attendance is up, but I don't think it's up that much. The loss of the 8th house and 0 scare zones to visit on a map has resulted in the bodies that would've inhabited those places being in line for other houses. 2007 had the benefit of Freddy, Jason, & Leatherface - really, the venerable ICONS of the modern slasher film - so I'm not surprised wait times were so crazy then. The crowds there are a well-documented peak for HHN that has yet to be reached again. It's worth noting that 2007 also had 4 shows, when now we can really only expect 2.
I think branding has hurt Howl-O-Scream. Simple as that. I like Howl-O-Scream, I have fun at the event but I can't go every year. The event just doesn't change enough and they've branded themselves as "Hey we're not HHN, but we're awfully similar and clearly trying to compete. If you have a change of heart come check us out." Which is great for all the locals who might be jaded, but not as great for the national market.
I've never attended Howl-O-Scream so I can't comment on that - but from what I can tell I actually mostly agree. When I lived in Florida I was actually closer to Howl-O-Scream, but never went. I had a Busch Gardens season pass for two years, too.
They still have drop doors, and they're still loud. I've seen them used in Dead End.
They're there, yeah, and the Dead End is one of the best uses I've seen of it lately. I know it's safer for the actors, but the automated ones aren't nearly as effective, IMO... appears more like an assembly line to me, though I know that's just opinion.
People have bodily functions in the houses more than you think. I'll leave it at that.
I'll be the martyr to the end if I have to be. If you guys want the same event as 2009-2011 then have fun. Those 3 years were stupidly similar to each other. It seemed like as soon as Universal got a decent formula they set it in stone and said "Hey, this worked good enough. Lets keep doing it." Atleast now they're trying to do new things. If you guys want more Fear and Lady Luck, that's on you. But, I can seriously pass on those lack-luster years, sub-par marketing, and lacking icons.
Let's not put words in our mouth. I've seen this argument from you before, and I really don't understand it. The formula in terms of 8 houses, 6 zones, 2-3 shows worked just fine - and often the content to fill those slots was great (though often one year had a stronger set of houses or streets). HHNXX was a huge disappointment, but I'm leaving that out of this argument. The greater issues since 2008 has been presentation - coming up with an overarching theme/icon that both marketing and A&D can get behind. 2008 was the last time we really saw that happen... Marketing didn't want Usher in 2009 so he got snubbed, FEAR was a last minute rush job, A&D didn't want Lady Luck in 2011. I'm yearning for what we saw in 2008 - amazing zones, strong houses (though some in 08 disappointed), incredible atmosphere (which I will concede 2012 nailed in some respect), a terrifying icon, potent marketing campaign, backstory laden-website.
The formula for 2008-2011 was perfect - it just needs the budget, cooperation and originality to flourish. You can tell this year's streets had almost no budget, with a good 70% of the costumes recycled. The $$ from that 8th house clearly went nowhere besides some executive's pocketbook.