Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 246 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 32 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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So, it's already Thursday... I would've thought if we were getting anything this week, it would've been Tuesday. Should I just give up hope unitl after the holiday or is there still something worth being excited about this week?
Last announcement was Thursday at noon, so not sure if you mixed Thursday up with Tuesday? Regardless, my personal rule is if no insiders are hinting at an announcement and if Murdy isn't meme tweeting about his thumbs/making MacBeth references, I don't get my hopes up. Murdy seemingly shut down the thumbs trolling for this week yesterday, so it seems like if we got anything today, it wouldn't be a dual-coast announcement:

9 weeks until the event with 8 houses left to announce? Yeah, I think we might be waiting a few weeks cause it has been quiet on both HHN accounts. I might be wrong, but there hasn’t been much activity this week.
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Ah you're right.. sorry. I did mix up the days. For some reason, I remembered Tuesday as being the most common announcement day. I guess we will know in the next hour or so. I suspect I'll be just as ignorant after lunch as I am now though. <sigh>
I renewed my pass like 10 days ago. :skull: Now I have to call and ask to see if I can get the 3 months.
Not HHN related at all but I’ll reply to this. Sorry mods, you can move this if u want.
I remember doing this one year and being told no. While I love Universal and plan to always be a AP holder, I always found this unfair as we have to renew at a certain time.
I'm honestly shocked nothing has leaked yet. Last year a lot leaked from what I could remember
They seem to be INCREDIBLY dedicated to not having things leak out this year.

Circling back to HHN...

Broke: Hoping for an HHN announcement every Thursday
Woke: (Assuming we roughly follow last years schedule) Tent facade construction in just over a week and street construction in ~2 weeks.
Woke(r): Opening night in 10 weeks
They seem to be INCREDIBLY dedicated to not having things leak out this year.
Hey, now. We had that TLoU announcement video a good 30 minutes prior to the actual announcement. That's big leak territory :lol: Real talk though, the shirt leak was mid July last year, so it's not too late lol.
Woke(r): Opening night in 10 weeks
Galaxy brain: 17 weeks until Halloween/our potential first announcement for HHN33 (should probably end the meme here lol)
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