Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - News & Information | Page 5 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - News & Information

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I don't like the sound of that. I'm making assumptions of how it works, but if there aren't 120min lines for some houses, that means all those people that were in line, will now have return times and will all be clogging the streets even more.

It's so hard to get around many nights as it is, having people not have to wait in long lines is just going to make the streets and food/drink lines that much crazier if people are just killing time until it's their turn. Or they'll be going to houses with short lines and making those lines longer so everything will have hour long lines.

I hope I'm just overreacting to something I don't completely understand.
AAP means Attraction Assistance Pass.

So only 2 locations instead of 10, way to create bigger bottlenecks. It was never that bad at house portals, this sounds bad.
It was bad if you payed for express
Definitely a better change, only modification I'd make is to allow them the opportunity to "stack" 2 houses. At the moment, I believe there's one at MIB and near Villain-Con. Great locations, but can be a bit of a walk for some.
I think one is fine. It’s kinda like a “Tapu Tapu” at VB.
So only 2 locations instead of 10, way to create bigger bottlenecks. It was never that bad at house portals, this sounds bad.
I think we will see more then 2 Friday and last night was just a test.
I disagree.
used the pass and used express 10 nights without it, the entire park is congested, deal.
I mean, you can feel inconvenienced and think this new solution needs tweaks, but the old method was objectively a real issue for queue & crowd control. Just because it went well for you, a forum using superfan who knows their stuff, doesn't mean normal parkgoers weren't causing some big delays, bottlenecks, and general headaches.
I mean, you can feel inconvenienced and think this new solution needs tweaks, but the old method was objectively a real issue for queue & crowd control. Just because it went well for you, a forum using superfan who knows their stuff, doesn't mean normal parkgoers weren't causing some big delays, bottlenecks, and general headaches.
OK, drink carts by bathrooms are much more of a crowding issue. Do I want them gone, no. Also I pay for express as well and it never impacted my express experience. Until 2 years ago I didn't know what an AAP was and never noticed it

It's 1 night for me, done talking. Sorry, I'll deal.
Somewhat interesting that they've reduced the number of savory dining options from 30 last year to 22 this year.

Pretty ballsy move by Universal to serve Fish n' Chip "nuggets" for $16.99 when you can spend one more dollar on a full plate of Fish 'n Chips at the Leaky Cauldron.

I think one is fine. It’s kinda like a “Tapu Tapu” at VB.
The issue is all the walking and how far spread out they are from the house entrances guests will have to make. Hopefully next year, in prep for Epic, they can install an in-app feature to reduce the need for a paper handwritten card.

I made a joke, yet somewhat serious, last year that they needed to start installing queues at house portals just for AAP return times.
OK, drink carts by bathrooms are much more of a crowding issue. Do I want them gone, no. Also I pay for express as well and it never impacted my express experience. Until 2 years ago I didn't know what an AAP was and never noticed it.
Good for you. However, that’s not the case for everyone. The issue is there. Not for every time, but it is there. I’ve dealt with it.
OK, drink carts by bathrooms are much more of a crowding issue. Do I want them gone, no. Also I pay for express as well and it never impacted my express experience. Until 2 years ago I didn't know what an AAP was and never noticed it.
Just because you don't want crowding issues resolved doesn't mean others don't. It's one of the biggest repeated complaints about the event. Most of us want actual solutions to improve things.

Again, just because you personally never experienced something doesn't mean it isn't an issue for others. I've dealt with these issues on plenty of occasions on both the guest and operations side of things. Your experience isn't the only one.

Like I said, there's literally nothing wrong with thinking this isn't a perfect solution, but it also isn't an all or nothing situation. There is a problem and it's encouraging to see some type of progress on it finally. I am sorry that it's directly impacting how you experience the event though and hope that they continue to make tweaks and make it even better than before for both AAP users and regular day (night?) guests.
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Somewhat interesting that they've reduced the number of savory dining options from 30 last year to 22 this year.

Pretty ballsy move by Universal to serve Fish n' Chip "nuggets" for $16.99 when you can spend one more dollar on a full plate of Fish 'n Chips at the Leaky Cauldron.
When I saw Fish and Chips on one of the menus I was wondering if it was just going to be literally the same F&C from Leaky Cauldron lol
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Staffing is a significant issue that incorporates local politics, sociology, and housing - see Cedar Point. "Just do it" isn't a solution or even a discussion it's just a temper tantrum.
Sure and universal actually employs many people who can come up with a multi year long term plans to navigate those things, I do not at all expect universal to adjust within a single year to add capacity or entertainment last minute within the same year to be clear.I expect them to have a clear plan for long term capacity and expansion. The additon of multip hotels and a 3rd park is going to crush hhn and I am not sure they have any plan to address it.

Cedar point massively raised pay when they needed to and staffed post pandemic immediately. I know how things work in redional parks. I have worked cedar point in the past. Aparently cedar point is better run than universal orlando. no wonder they take more awards. Somehow they do the impossible on seaonal events with massive differences area budgets and aparent availible empoyment.

Just do it is not a solution agreed. The issue is people on here yourself included get offered suggestions and then you clalim one of the richest haloween events on earth just cant figure out creative ways to offer more entertainment and attractions because you have some excuse. Like it is not my job guy to figure it out for you. Again knotts has been doing this for years which is why they are often rated over universal.

Edit: screenshoted for Joe and the mods.
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Somewhat interesting that they've reduced the number of savory dining options from 30 last year to 22 this year.

Pretty ballsy move by Universal to serve Fish n' Chip "nuggets" for $16.99 when you can spend one more dollar on a full plate of Fish 'n Chips at the Leaky Cauldron.

I was so excited for the snacks this year because they keep upping the game. I even got a Rush of Fear pass so I can go multiple nights to enjoy them since I usually limit myself to 1 night with RIP Tour or Express.

Then I saw the menus. Breh. I don't want to eat or drink any of this. :lmao:
So only 2 locations instead of 10, way to create bigger bottlenecks. It was never that bad at house portals, this sounds bad.
Just wanted to circle back to this and let you know that I've seen multiple people elsewhere state that guest services is saying that these two locations are additions rather than replacements. So, you can get times at all 10 house locations AND the 2 new satellite locations. Meaning there are now more locations available and, if for example, you want to get a time for Museum, you no longer have to travel all the way across the park for a time if you're all the way over by Villain Con. This should hopefully turn this into a positive change for you rather than an inconvenience.
Just wanted to circle back to this and let you know that I've seen multiple people elsewhere state that guest services is saying that these two locations are additions rather than replacements. So, you can get times at all 10 house locations AND the 2 new satellite locations. Meaning there are now more locations available and, if for example, you want to get a time for Museum, you no longer have to travel all the way across the park for a time if you're all the way over by Villain Con. This should hopefully turn this into a positive change for you rather than an inconvenience.
Thanks for update a
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Here for opening night! Interested to see how tonight goes. Currently, I'm really not crazy hyped about anything in particular, but hopefully those low expectations lead to a pleasant surprise with each new attraction.

Skipping over the Scaremonies for today. Hanging out in the NY S&S, and planning on hitting Major Sweets as my first house. Pretty curious on how they portray a Wonka-esque factory setting in the more cramped F&F location, and about how the new tent changes the experience from Blumhouse & Chucky.

Looks like a little bit of drizzle is forming. Here's hoping that doesn't grow into anything worse. :eyes:
General opening weekend thoughts (that don't quite rise to the level of a review):
  • Parking remains awful, even fairly late. Not specific to HHN but both garages looking rough, ton of busted escalators and moving sidewalks. Dark and dingy.
  • With the exception of Museum (which may have been a fluke), Express is lightning fast this year. The goal seems to be 10 minute waits no matter the standby line and they generally meet or exceed that. Goblins was posted 85 last night, I was inside in 5!
  • Streets are as jammed as ever, maybe worse than ever. And still enough Express that the reduction in sales doesn't seem to have cut standby lines very much. Food lines still seem bad, but Sunday the bar lines looked fairly empty (at 11, HHN Bar was serving a single couple). Whether this reflects a younger crowd because school out for Labor Day or something more will be interesting to watch.
  • Physical lines on the whole much better than the past couple years--nothing on a par with the hike to Parade 2. Really like the potential of the "courtyard" by Monsters/Goblins. Hopefully next year they expand on the idea with food booths, a larger bar, maybe even like a DJ. Make it a food court and party central.
  • I miss paper maps, if only as a souvenir.
General opening weekend thoughts (that don't quite rise to the level of a review):
  • Parking remains awful, even fairly late. Not specific to HHN but both garages looking rough, ton of busted escalators and moving sidewalks. Dark and dingy.
  • With the exception of Museum (which may have been a fluke), Express is lightning fast this year. The goal seems to be 10 minute waits no matter the standby line and they generally meet or exceed that. Goblins was posted 85 last night, I was inside in 5!
  • Streets are as jammed as ever, maybe worse than ever. And still enough Express that the reduction in sales doesn't seem to have cut standby lines very much. Food lines still seem bad, but Sunday the bar lines looked fairly empty (at 11, HHN Bar was serving a single couple). Whether this reflects a younger crowd because school out for Labor Day or something more will be interesting to watch.
  • Physical lines on the whole much better than the past couple years--nothing on a par with the hike to Parade 2. Really like the potential of the "courtyard" by Monsters/Goblins. Hopefully next year they expand on the idea with food booths, a larger bar, maybe even like a DJ. Make it a food court and party central.
  • I miss paper maps, if only as a souvenir.
Not sure the proper place for this, but seconding the point on attendance. Anecdotally, I navigated a crowd in Torture Faire yesterday that I think is the worst I’ve ever gotten stuck in within a zone at HHN.