Last year felt like a gauntlet of houses (albeit quite good) separated by pavement, crowds, and very little theming. It didn’t have the vibe of an event or festival IMO. It’s all very subjective but I think the deterioration of scarezones over the last ten years, certainly post covid plays a role. As does crowds. If you’re not a fan of Nightmare Fuel the lack of a second show or lagoon show is a tough pill to swallow. I also miss Monster Cafe - I enjoy the community aspect of HHN and taken the above into account the closing was a real downer. Finally, someone mentioned earlier the effect of nostalgia and I suspect 10 years from now someone will be begging for the good old days of HHN 33 ….. I’m hoping with Mike being back we get a little taste of pre covid HHN and I would be happy with that.