Maybe for the 20th year they will do the unthinkable and go full tilt with both parks, not.
As much as I'd like them to duplicate Halloween Horror Nights 14, they will never fabricate a duplicate event, additionally, The Wizzarding World of Harry Potter has ceased any thought of it. But of course, we can dream right?
Final Reviews.
So We'll start with houses.
The Wolfman: This house was one of my favorites of the event. The forest was assembled impeccably! All the scareactors we're on the ball throughout the whole event. I was extremely shocked at the quality of the Transformation scenes, and how detailed The Wolfman really was. Considering all the actors inside the house were people, and not cheaped out masks. I'm extremely grateful for the house we had, and the opportunity to preview the movie 5 months in advance.
This Wolf went to the fountain and mangled 5 out of 5 bodies, or an
Dracula:Legacy in Blood: I cant fiber one thought of my being on why people thought this house was so amazingly perfect, or anything. I really don't. The only thing in this house that shinned as luminous as a diamond was the facade. Walking into Vlad Dracul's dilapidated castle walls, and seeing the craniums he impaled was beyond any word placed in the English Language. That gives the house 3 out of 5 flashlights for me straight off the bat, but that's it. All the flashlights I can barrow from my friend DJ Usher.

The brides and all of Dracula's other friends did not give me a single scare, and to add to that, the squirt guns just made me angry and wet. Oh I almost forgot, the room with all the skinned faces was pretty cool, but the hot dog smell was just a little eccentric to my nostrils for me soooo yeah. Call me weird, but yeah. I sum up this house as Good looking, but not taking her home to momma.
Vlad and friends bit 3 out of 5 plump, decadent, and juicy necks, or a
Frankenstein:Creation of the Damned: ITS ALIVE! That's what I was thinking right when I was thrusted into one of the most immersive houses at HHN. When I walked through this house for the first time, I was flustered, amazed, shocked, giddy, and etc. Whatever else you want to fill in the blank that happens to be a synonym for those words, I was feeling it. Waltzing through the beginning of this house, it made you REALLY feel like you were in the movie Frankenstein. The soundstage was as chilly as the arctic, and made you feel like you were looking at his lab, and a lightning bolt just hit in the back corner. As you continue to venture through this recreation of the Lab, it looks mainly desolated, and bent up by Frank himself. Adding the Silhouette of that Green Guy himself throwing a man in his path to the side, and looking for someone else to vent his anger on. I was then shocked to see Dr. Frankie sawing through a lab person himself like it was nothing. Blood and all, gasping for air, and screaming for help. This house left me thinking that's going to be hard to top.... boy was I wrong.
I give Big Greenie 5 Re-animated corpses out of 5, or an
Leave it to Cleaver: Following my first three houses, and a swift restroom break, I was ready to Leave it to Cleaver! I recall waiting the longest for this house. I think the lengthiest wait of the night was about 45 minutes. I strolled through Meetz Meats, and I was blown away by the Detail. This house was really a fresh taste in the pallet of the Disaster! Queue. We were all greeted by a horde of Mask-Wearin', Meat-Carving, I'llRipYourFaceOff! crew of Samuel Meetz' Cleavers. I spotted Army of Robots from the HHNVault and quickly asked him: "Sir What's the Z stand for?" He quickly stated: "It stands for get the hell out out of here before I rip your ******* face off!!!!!!" That was maybe the best reply between Cast A, and Cast B Bobs. Army of Robots you were the best scareactor... ever in Cleaver. You made my experience worth while! But.... alas back to my review. At the end of the house I was greeted by strobe lights, and Meetz' employees with gigantic chainsaws fit for Transformers.

That was my Impromptu queue to high-tail it out of there. Little did I know they would chase me out.

My Verdict?
Samuel Meetz dragged back 4 human hostages out of 5, or a
SAW: Time for What I thought was one of the most overrated, and shortest house of Ripped: From the Silver Screen. Yep you guessed it, Jigsaw's Lair. So, after waiting 30 minutes for this low-quality house, I felt jipped. I'm going to veer off of the topic for a smidge of a second, but after seeing Jigsaw and Zepp advertised EVERYWHERE, Tobin Bell hired to do the commercials and voice for the house, and SAW VI being released this month. I felt more than jipped, hoodwinked would be a better word. Yeah.
This post to be finished soon. Stay Tuned.