I wanted to post my list like as soon as this thread was up but as I find out more about certain aspects of houses, Ive realized my list has almost completely flip flopped... so Im glad I waited haha. Okay I had to break it down between IPs and Originals -- and then make a top ten from there.
#5 - Halloween: I know this probably isn't anyone's #1 pick, but the more I think about it the less excited I get for it. I am afraid it will just feel like a house we have already experienced, twice, but in a smaller capacity. I think the limited space that Shrek offers will be both a blessing and a curse -- a blessing because the tight space will make it so that it feels like myers is RIGHT on top of you, very claustrophobic which will benefit the ambience. A curse because limited set space tends to mean more generic or easily forgettable set spaces. Im afraid it will pretty much be a 'knock-off' version of the original house.
#4 - Trick R Treat: Slightly unpopular opinion here.... but the only thing I am really excited about for this house is the multiple facades inside of it. I think its going to be gorgeous and impressive in the size of the rooms/ facades especially because I assume they can use all of b-79 now instead of half since the parade floats now live in b-108. So Im excited for it from a scenic point of view... but now from an overall perspective. I just don't think it will provide more (or better) scares than the street, and honestly I think it will feel just like the street but with out the intimacy and feeling of the "scenes" being spontaneous like the street did.
#3 - Horrors of Blumhouse 2: Really unpopular opinion here... Im really excited for Happy Death Day? I think the movie is fun and enjoyable, and Im excited to see the creative team translate the "groundhog day" effect of the movie. From what Ive heard, I think it'll be fun and possibly humorous house... HDD might actually be the comedy house haha. I can't really comment on the First Purge, its neither here nor there for me. I havent seen this movie yet so all I can really say is that I actually find the Purge more enjoyable in a house setting than in a street setting, so that leaves me feeling generally more optimistic about this house. I also like that it is only 2 movies this year instead of three, I think that will benefit the balance of the house as well. My gut says this will be a lot like HOB last year where (almost) everyone was pleasantly surprised and ended up enjoying it more than expected.
#2 - Poltergeist: This really should be a tie for #1. I can't believe that its not my number one lol. So coming in an EXTREMELY close second that I might change my mind about tomorrow, Poltergeist! Like many, this is one of my all time favorite horror movies. This is honestly one that I didn't ever expect to get to experience as a house at HHN and Im beyond excited that it is happening. I really hope that the sets are huge and fantastic, especially with using SS 25. My one thing that worries me is simply not knowing a lot about the scares or how they will "work". No matter what I am so excited to see creatives interpretation of it. Exorcist was one of my favorite houses, so Im hoping they bring the same 'energy' to designing this house.
#1 - Stranger Things: Im literally shocked this has become my #1. When more and more was being announced and speculated ST found itself in the middle of the pack for me purely based on how much I enjoy the show. As more and more was found out, I got steadily more and more excited. With what I have heard so far, I think this house is going to be stunning. Scary... probably not. But honestly none of the IPs feel scary to me this year, and most of the originals dont either. I dont think that makes a bad house though. I think some of the demogorgons will have great "startle" moments, enhanced by stellar costuming and the fact the guests will be so distracted by the look alikes and set pieces. Fingers crossed on that haha.
#5 - Seeds of Extinction: When I speak of a house that was previously the top of my list dropping to the bottom.... this is the one. I think the concept of the house is fairly solid, but the execution worries me. I think the sets will be cool, B-108 is a great space to use. But I think the "scariness" of this house will be from the general ambience of it, not from the actual scares. Which I find really disappointing actually lol. I think the scares might feel limited and static if the whispers Ive heard are true. This might be the "creepiest" house though, and the dark and creepy ambience may end up placing this one higher once everything is said and done. Overall though, its the original I forget about sometimes.
#4 - Slaughter Sinema: This is another that dropped from really high to really low for me. I think the guests will be confused by this one. It puts off such a campy vibes, and I dont think itll be campy at all. Which can leave guests just feeling confused as they experience it and leave. Im excited to see these original b-horror flicks theyve designed but thats about it.
#3 - ScaryTales: These top three are all really close for me. Scarytales I think will be visually stunning and theres some scenes in there that I cannot WAIT to see in person. Plus it has the benefit of being one of my favorite HHN "franchises". I even liked the zone in 25

Why this isnt 2 or 1 for me though is because Im afraid the story line of "wicked witch telling the stories" or whatever wont translate unless you already know thats what the story is. Granted, I dont think that means that the house will suffer from that though. Houses can be enjoyable even if you dont know all the tiny aspects of the backstory lol.
#2 - Dead Exposure: Patient Zero: Ive been hype about this since it was announced. Whenever people ask me about favorite houses, especially favorite original houses, the OG Dead Exposure ALWAYS comes up from me. That house was one of the most intense and unique houses I had experienced and its stuck with me since. It made my HHN buddy who has gone with me for YEARS cry, and shes not a crier. Purely based on my favorable bias towards the original, this is my #2.
#1 - Carnival Graveyard: Here it is. I know MANY people are looking forward to this house and anticipating it and I totally get why. The amount of effort that has gone into the lore of this house... it feels so "classically" HHN. Like the HHN us old people always talk about missing haha. Im excited for the design of it, the costumes, the uniqueness of the set up, the set pieces, the MUSIC, and literally everything. And I usually hate anything remotely "clown"y being used. So. Theres that too.
#9 - Seeds of Extinction
#8 - Slaughter Sinema
#7 - Halloween
#6 - Trick R Treat
#5 - Horrors of Blumhouse 2
#4 - ScaryTales
#3 - Poltergeist
#2 - Dead Exposure
#1 - TIE: Stranger Things & Carnival Graveyard (Theyre too different, and on two opposite sides of what I love about HHN, I cant choose!)