Ranking list from someone who’s never experienced Orlando’s HHN before coming in hot!
BeetleJuice - While I love the movie I’m not really excited for the house, I know it’ll be probably be a good house and super fun, but I’m more into the scarier houses instead of the family friendly ones at the end of the day.
Puppet Theater: Captive Audience - the only reason this one isn’t at the bottom for me is because it’s original and I know they usually knock those out of the park. Regardless puppets and creepy dolls don’t usually pique my interest, I didn’t watch the behind the scenes on this so I don’t really have anything to go off of; hoping this one surprises me.
Revenge of the Toothfairy - This one has a really cool concept and I was a fan of the tooth fairy maze they had at knotts a while ago so I’m excited to see that concept taken to a new level with this one.
Bride of Frankenstein LIVES - I love the classic monsters and hearing literally nothing but great things about this one from last years HHN lite has me real excited for this one. The bride isn’t my favorite monster(and I’m kinda upset Dracula gets shafted once again pls just give him a solo maze) but I do really like the storyline they went with this one so I can’t really complain.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - TCM is one of the only movies that still kinda scares me the grimy feel of it just rubs me the wrong Way and to see it in a soundstage maze where they can go however crazy with it they want has me beyond hyped. I also just feel like they wouldn’t have brought this property back if they didn’t have expectations to absolutely crush it considering leatherface is no where near the most popular titan of terror. Wish I could rank this higher but the other originals have me more intrigued.
Case Files UNEARTHED: Legendary Truth - I don’t really know the big backstory of legendary truth down to its core but after seeing some pictures of the first LT house it at least has to place this high in the hype list. I’m a sucker for paranormal things and from what I understand that’s exactly what LT is so color me excited for that. I would place it higher but the apparent New York City setting doesn’t reaaally hook me, I’m more of a classic haunted house type of guy, but I’m really interested to see how they’ll pull it off.
Welcome to Scarey: Horror in the Heartland - for someone who hasn’t been to HHN Orlando before this was probably the best maze that I could ask for since it’ll have some greatest hits sections that’ll let me see what exactly everyone’s talking about on here most of the time. That’s basically all I have to say about this one except
Apparently theres supposed to be an HR Bloodenguts section and that basically shot it up to top 5 for me on its own I’ve wanted to experience that maze since I heard about it and the fact that I’ll hopefully be able to see it here is crazy.
HHN Icons CAPTURED - Another one that’s here solely because I’ve never seen any of the icons before and to put them all into one condensed experience, yeah, sign me up.
Haunting of Hill House - Hill house is one of my favorite horror properties in recent years, I love the tv show, I love mike Flanagan, and judging from the picture of the facade I just KNOW they’ll nail the haunting beauty of the show and the horror of the ghosts that reside in there, cannot WAIT to walk through this one. (also side note: please let this mean that they’ll consider doctor sleep for a maze in the future I’m begging)
Wicked Growth: Realm of the Pumpkin -
Classic Halloween settings - check
HHN creative team details - check
Cool looking pumpkin guy who feasts on the flesh of humans - check
Yeah this has been on the top of my hype list since it was just a name on the speculation map. Classic Halloween is my favorite aesthetic for any haunted house or event period and judging by the beats of this maze in the description it hits most of what gets me the most excited. If they pull this one off flawlessly it might honestly be one of my top houses of all time across any event. High expectations for this.
October cannot come soon enough.